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Edwards pov:
After we picked up our wonderful mate from her place, I drive us to school rather fast to not make us late. Not that I would care, but I won't allow myself to be the reason my precious darling is getting in any trouble! When I park on my usual parking spot, the tires squeal slightly at the abrupt stop. Which makes a few students turn their heads at us. Pussies!
Both, Alice and Rosalie, who have been waiting for our arrival, get out of their car as well to quickly hug my beautiful mate as a hello.
„We should get in now princess. I wouldn't want you to get late for art. After all I know how much you enjoyed it yesterday." Jasper says lovingly to our mate. And as his brother, I do have to say how absolutely incredible it is to see him as happy as he is since we yesterday met our mate yesterday. He always has been rather quiet and even distanced but now he seems to finally cheer up again.
„Jasper is right darling, Let's get you to class." I say and lay my arm around her to softly lead her towards the right classroom. Much to my joy she seems to have gotten even more comfortable around us since she lays her head against my shoulder as we walk. My chest puffing out slightly in proudness at that archivement.
The second we enter the classroom the annoying bell rings yet again so extremely loud that my mate flinches at how much it hurt her delicate ears. She truly must be pretty sensitive to noises, otherwise she wouldn't be able to hear us talking quietly with each other. No human ever could but my sweet darling seems to be the only exception. Hmm, Maybe we could get it a bit quietened? We could at least try to turn it down a bit. Wouldn't hurt anyone after all.
„Alright everyone. Today I want you to draw something you dreamed off." the teacher says with a small role of his eyes. His thoughts also let me know how much he hates to teach all those talentless kids in this class. He however did take a liking to our mate. Of course not like that other asshole did! No! He only is stunned at her talent and is honestly looking foreword to what she will draw this time. And while some other students whine and even talk instead of doing as instructed, my darling starts to draw with a happy smile plastered on her beautiful face. Angela also has smiled at her widely as we entered the room in excitement that her first ever friend got here today again. Jaspers shocked whispered „look" makes me look to where he pointed at. To my surprise and utter confusion I see what the most pressures being has been drawing till now. The drawing might be not finished just yet, but I can recognize those two persons easily. One is her mother, which I only know since we watched their interaction yesterday evening and the other one is Marcus. One of the volturi kings. And as if this isn't shocking enough, he is smiling widely as helooks at her mother with adoration in his eyes. My brain is nearly bursting with what great detail she has drawn him. Her face also seems so at piece while her pencil quickly shadows out even more lines and shadows that make the people come to life even more. Maybe I should call Carlisle after this class? He should know about this. It even could mean that our mates mother is Marcus Volturi second chance mate! I still am confused from where my darling could know that, but the why can be questioned later on. Now I need to figure out what this could mean otherwise. Because if this really is what I think this means, he needs to know right away. He needs to know that we might have found his second chance of true happiness. We owe him that much. He after all always had our back and helped wherever he could. And I also know how deeply hurt he is ever since his supposed mate purposefully killed herself to hurt him as well as weaken the Volturis leader. So no wonder Marcus is heartbroken and lonely.
„we need to tell Carlisle so he can call Marcus." I answer my brother who nods right away in understanding.
Slowly the teacher starts to go from student to student while his thoughts are getting louder with annoyance at how untalented they all are. When he goes by me and Jasper he nods in approval and his thoughts nearly scream in joy that at least some of his student have some talent in them. At that a smirk plastered on my lips, if he would know what we normally draw he would be shocked. The last one, once again was my lovely darling. His euphoric scream in his head makes me chuckle even out loud much to everyone's irritation and surprise since I usually never laugh nor chuckle. Jasper however right away seems to understand on what I chuckled since he winks at me.
„Very well Miss Baker! The details and the facial expressions are unbelievably beautiful done." he states proudly to which our sweet mate blushes brightly. Jasper must of send her a wave of calmness since her shoulders slouch after being stiff for a few seconds. She also turns towards him with an appreciative smile on her cute and kissable lips. Seemingly sensing the waves he send her. While I as well as Jasper smile at her in true love, I can hear the faule thoughts from this nasty Swan girl Again. I always disliked her for throwing herself at my siblings and me! But now with her faule thoughts and those extremely hurtful words she said to MY darling yesterday, she absolutely overstepped my patient! The soothing wave that Jasper try's to send my way are not working at all, since I am way too angry at that horrific human! How dare her! So while my anger only keeps on skyrocking, the bell must of rang since my darling suddenly lays her soft and delicate hand on my shoulder while her eyes watch me with worry.
„Is everything ok Edward? Did I do something wrong?" her sweet voice asks me while her eyes seem to sadden more and more at the possibility that she indeed did something wrong. At hearing that I jump right up and pull her into my chest. How can this perfect being even think she did something wrong!? She is perfect! There is no other word more fitting to describe her than that!
„Don't ever think that darling! Nothing you could ever do or say would be wrong." I tell her sternly yet lovingly. Not wanting her to think I am angry at her, especially since I definitely am not! I after all love her all the way to the moon and back!
„Princess, Edward is right. He only heard someone's thoughts that got him angry. So I am assuming they were on you, which neither of us will tolerate." Jasper explains softly. This seems to irritate her for a second before she hugs me tightly. Her boldness makes me happy, after all she has told us yesterday that she usually is rather shy since she always felt like she didn't belonged. So this must mean she feels safe and comfortable around us and that makes me euphoric!
„No need to get this angry Edward, as long as no one hurts me I am fine." she says in a whisper like tone. Alone the thought that someone would dare to hurt her makes me see red again. But only for a short second since my beautiful darling kisses my lips lovingly which of course gets my mind completely on her again.
„We should go to our next class." she says and takes my hand in hers to pull me with her.
„Princess, why don't you meet up with Emmet and Angela outside to go to our next class." Jasper starts to say but a pout from our mate quickly makes him stop and come closer towards her.
„I will come after you guys, don't worry princess. I only need to make a quick phone call." he finishes his statement with a loving kiss on her still cute pouty lips.
„Jasper is right darling, he needs to make a call and then he catches up with us in only a few seconds." I try to coax her to agree on coming with me. After a heavy sigh, she nods her head in agreement. It however is still obvious that she isn't too happy with this arrangement.
„You come as quick as possible. Right?" she asks with a voice like a kicked puppy. Instead of vocally answering her, he simply kisses her way more passionate than before.
„Promise!" he whispers with his lips hovering right over hers. After one more quick peck he runs off to inform Carlisle. My sweet darling looks at me with slightly dazed eyes from his kiss which of course makes me chuckle.
„Come on darling. Angela and Emmet are already waiting for us." I softly say and carefully lead the way out to those two.

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