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Clair's pov:
After I explained my mom how some girls have been bullying me ever since I got there. She was furious that someone dared to target her daughter. This alone just showed me how incredible special my mom truly is. Others would of scolded me for not telling her or wouldn't of even believed me. But mom only right away got into her protective mode. I also explained to her that she doesn't need to worry since the Cullen children have been looking out for me the whole time. That made her smile softly as she caresses my cheek lovingly.
„Well, they better look out for you. They after all have pretty much fallen head over heels in love with you!" she says with a knowing smile. The shock must of been written all over my face at hearing that. Her giggles also only confirm that thought.
„Don't look so shocked sweetheart. I am your mother, and as such I know things like that. Alone the way they have acted back in the hospital was show enough for me." she says. My cheeks are definitely burning at her explanation as well as her knowing eyes.
„So, when do you think would have been the best time to tell me that you have four boyfriends?" she asks me while moving her eyebrows up and down really fast making me giggle even though I still am really shocked that she not only picked up on the three boys but also on Carlisle and I's bond! Since I don't know what to answer her, I simply shrug my shoulder slightly. If Marcus tells her about vampires later on, she will understand the rest as well. That is if she will believe him.
„I will explain everything at home. Ok?" i ask her softly. To my surprise she simply squeezes my hand lovingly in reply.
„Thats fine. You might also start to think on when you wanted to tell me that you are mated to four vampires." she says as if she was talking about the weather. My face must of also shown my complete disbelief since mom simply kisses my head as if telling me that she isn't mad at all.
„you, you knew?" i ask her after i don't know How long. My head completely dizzy at this information. Since when does she even know that vampires exist!?
„I know about their existence since a very Long Time." she says with a sad face. Not liking to see her happy mood lesson, I quickly hug her. Who cares since when and why she knows about them? The only important thing is that she has no problem with it and still is the same supportive and loving mother she always was for me.
„i will tell you another time if that's alright with you sweetheart. For now, I would like to enjoy a relaxed dinner date. At least from here out on." she answers me with a soft giggle. Understanding that she doesn't want to talk about it just yet, I slowly nod my head.
„I can only apologize for leaving the two of you alone for that long. Hopefully you can forgive me and we can go on with our dinner now." Marcus says suddenly standing next to our table with an apologetic smile. He seems to think that mom definitely won't accept him now. Which of course is nonsense!
„Don't worry about it Marcus. I only am happy that you made sure my daughter was save." mom says and smiles reassuringly at Marcus who sighs in utter relief.
„And since this is over and done now with. We can go back to spending some time over dinner with each other." she finishes. At hearing that, Marcus right away takes a seat opposite from us again. He also right away lays his hand over the table, to hold my moms hand like he did before.
„There is nothing I would like to do more." he states with an honest smile. When instead of a new waiter Aman appeared with our ordered drinks I look at him slightly confused. He however only winks at me with a smile on his lips.
„Did you decide on something to eat already or do you need some more time?" he questions mom and I quit professional.
„I would like a medium cooked steak with potatoes on the side, please." mom orders after a quick glance into the menu. Still pretty overwhelmed with everything that had happened as well as the knowledge that mom not only knows about vampires but also that I am mated to four of them, I order the first thing on the menu.
„Sweetheart why don't you take the mushroom filled tortellinis instead." mom softly says.
„You are allergic to sea food, remember?" she softly adds. With that information in my mind I quickly nod at her. I simply ordered the first thing without thinking too much into it.
„Yeah, sorry! I take that instead." I say with a small blush on my cheeks. Embarrassed that I forgot that I indeed am highly allergic to shrimps.
„Of Course." Aman states and changes my order without any problem.
„I will take the steak as Well." Marcus says but mom quickly shakes her head at him.
„You don't have to eat Marcus. I know how this can irritate your diet." mom softly says shocking Marcus and Aman to the core it seems. After a minute of complete quietness Marcus nods his head once and makes a small hand movement which gets Aman to leave without another word.
„Don't look so shocked." mom states with a small giggle. Seemingly enjoying the stunned look on Marcus face, who seems to think for a few more seconds about what my mom just indicated. When his eyes however fall on their still intertwined hands, he smiles lovingly.
„So, you know what I am?" he asks her in a whisper so no one around us could hear him. It definitely is clear to see that he is relieved that mom still looks relaxed around him and not frightened. Mom simply nods at him in reply, a smile still on her face as she looks at him.
„Does that mean that you also know what you are to me?" Marcus asks her with wonder, yet he sounds pretty proud that my mom figured out what they all are.
„I do have my assumption, but I don't know for sure." mom says suddenly becoming shy. Seemingly unsure is she misread the situation or something along the line.
„Well, you mon amor, are my mate. And i do hope that you will accept me as that." he says strongly, his eyes however show how worried he is that mom won't accept him after all. The wide smile on her face though surely discharges his worries instantly.
„That's Good." she mumbles with shining eyes.
„Explains why I feel so strongly towards you." she adds with love shining in her eyes as she looks at an equally smiling Marcus.
„Good. Cause I love you already and I will do so till I die. Even beyond then." Marcus explains as he keeps on caressing my mothers hand softly while her eyes brim with tears.
„You won't betray me." she ask him in such a pained voice that it shocks me to the core. I always knew that my supposed father hurt her as he left her because she decided to keep me. but I never thought the betrayal still to this day sits this deep.
„Never!" Marcus simply states with no room of arguing.
„I will forever love you and treasure you like nothing else. You after all are my absolute everything! You along with our equally amazing daughter." he says just as strongly as he takes my hand in his free one. And that's when the first tears start to fall out of moms and I's eyes. I can't describe how utterly grateful and relieved I am that from now on my mom will have someone to lean on. Someone that will love and treasure her! That's everything that I ever wished for.
„Thank you." mom says through her tears. Slowly Marcus stands up from his seat and kneels down next to moms.
„I promise mon amor, you will never have to worry about anything ever again. I will forever be there by your side and help you with absolutely everything!" he softly tells her in a promise. Mom right away throws herself into his arms and I am sure if he wouldn't be a vampire they would of fallen on the floor by the force she had behind her. Seeing the two of them hugging like this warms my heart.
„Thank you so much!" mom whispers into his chest as Marcus softly kisses her head lovingly.
„Always mon amor!" he simply says as he keeps on holding my mom softly. When Aman came over towards us he smiles widely as he sees them still hugging each other tightly.
„Would you like me to pack your food to go instead?" he questions us knowingly.
„That would be incredible Aman. Thank you!" I say before the others could answer. I however think it would be best to take the food with us and eat it at home. That way those two can talk openly and without any worry that someone might overhear them. On top of that I think mom would feel more comfortable within her own four walls with her being this emotional.

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