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Clair's pov:
The morning has been absolutely fantastic! My family and I have been sitting together talking laughing and simply spend a wonderful time together. The time has gone by way too fast because loud knocking on the front door lets us know that the rest of the family must of arrived already.
„I let them in little one." Marcus says and kisses my head as he walks by.
„Where is our birthday girl!!?" we all can hear Aro and Caius ask happily which lets me giggle. Those two, along with Marcus are supposed to be the mean and cruel kings, yet they are so sweet and caring. Of course you also can't forget funny! Which they definitely are!
„I am here!" I say in between giggles. Two strong arms right away pull me into a tight hug as Caius head nuzzles my neck in greeting.
„Happy Birthday dear!" he whispers softly against my ear before cuddling me even more.
„Missed you and your cuteness!" he tells me with a chuckle. Of course I giggled along with him right away.
„My turn!" Aro says with a low whine before he carefully takes me out of his brothers strong arms.
„Happy Birthday Young one. We do hope we aren't too early, but we truly missed you. That's why we ran instead of taking the plane again." he congratulates me softly as well as explains why they are this early. Instead of vocally answering him though I simply cuddle myself closer into him. Like they said, I missed them a lot too! So I am more than happy that they came earlier as expected. This way we can spend some more time with each other. Hearing low chuckles from behind us, makes me turn my head slightly only to squeal in excitement as I see Aman, Demetri and Felix standing there as well. Those three really have gotten good friends of mine too. Especially Amman and I connected pretty quick after he healed my throat. Aro only chuckled softly before he stood me back on my own two feet so I can go and greet the three guards too.
„I am happy you guys were able to come to my birthday as well!" I say and hug Aman firstly before going to Demetri and Felix. They smile softly at me and wish me a happy birthday. Aman also states That he wouldn't of missed my birthday for anything else, which makes me smile even brighter at him. He really is a teddy bear, just like Aro explained to me as I first met them. When there is another knock on the door we all know who will be outside.
„Come on in!" mom says slightly louder towards the door and only a second later I am once again scooped up into Emmets strong arms.
„Happy birthday my love!" he says and kisses my lips lovingly only for me to get pulled away from him and into Edwards chest instead. His smile is mischievous while Emmet whines lowly since he stole me away from him.
„Happy Birthday darling! I hope you had a good time with your family?" he says and kisses all over my face to make me giggle loudly since it tickles.
„I had a very good time with my family. The whole morning was really fun and love filled. Thank you guys for allowing me some family time before you got here." I tell him as well as thank them all since I know that they weren't too happy with this arrangement. Still they went with it since they knew how much it means to me.
„Of course princess. You and your Family needed some time to yourselves, we understood. But we are very happy to have you now back in our arms." Jasper says as he softly takes me into his arms.
„I wish you a wonderful and Happy Birthday as well princess." he softly says as he twirls us around to make me giggle again.
„Such a sweet sound." he purrs happily as he kisses my lips lovingly. My cheeks already burning with a blinding blush at all their show of affection, but I don't care at the moment. Way too happy to care for a blush, they after all have seen me blush a ton of times already.
„A sweet sound indeed. Perfect for such a precious little angel that you are." Carlisle says and reaches his arms out to me so Jasper hands me over. Only after one more kiss though!
„Happy Birthday precious." he whispers lovingly and kisses my mouth softly.
„The girls have prepared the House for your Party. That's why they stayed behind to finish up a few more things while we get you all to our place." Carlisle explains why the three girls aren't here too. It truly warms my heart to think alone at how precious they are to even plan something like this for my birthday. They really are the best! Their whole family is and it really is a honor to join their family after my change. Still, I won't leave my original family, it simply will bind both family's together!
„That's really sweet of them." mom softly says. Obviously surprised and thankful at their generosity.
„It is." Marcus says just as surprised. His eyes slightly teary eyed that someone would do that for his daughter I guess.
„We should head on over to their house then. Otherwise my cakes might get bad and thats not going to happen. After all I made them for our sweet niece to enjoy!" Caius says matter of factly. Only now do I even see the two cakes as well as other baked goods lined up on our kitchen island. Shaking my head slightly at that, he really overdid it, like always. Still you got to love him for it. He after all made them for me and to make me happy. That's just how thoughtful and caring he is. With that in mind I walk up to him and hug him softly.
„Thank you for baking all of them. And I am absolutely sure that they will taste delicious, just like everything else you baked for us already." I thank him softly. His strong arms right away circle around me to hug me right back.
„Of course dear. It was my pleasure to bake them for you, i only hope you will enjoy their taste." he says hopefully. Shaking my head once again at him. He truly underestimates his baking skills! He has baked so many different things already in the time he stayed with the Cullens and absolutely everything tasted heavenly! So will the things he brought, of that I am more than sure of!
„My daughter is right Caius, your baking is surely going to taste delicious. Just like everything else you made for us already." mom softly states as she lays a hand on his shoulder. A wide smile overtakes his face quickly at hearing that.
„Let's get to the Cullen residence than. I am sure our three woman are already waiting impatiently for us." Carlisle says with a low chuckle where everyone quickly joins in. We after all know them and they surely are impatient vampires! With that in mind, we all put on our shoes and coats before we drive over to them. Well, mom, I and my mates drive while the others simply run over to them. Which is understandable, the moment I am a vampire I will be running to places too! It's way faster anyway!

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