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Emmets pov:
Alone the thought of what those faul humans have said to my precious love makes me absolutely furious! But instead of letting me have my way with them, I as well as Jasper got send away to entertain Angela. Who fair enough is a sweet girl and only tried to befriend my amazing mate. Still my inner beast wanted to kill them for hurting my love! Of course we still could hear everything that those damn girls said to my sweet Clair. Thankfully though Edward was there and told them off and even claimed her as his girlfriend. Lucky bastard! I can only dream of doing that and the fact alone that she looked so incredible comfortable cuddled into my brothers side made the jealousy burn even stronger inside of me. Jasper also got a sweet smile from her since he bought her, her food. Guess I also need to step up my game. Edward smirks slightly at me, obviously reading my mind like he often does.
„I meant to ask you earlier already if you might want to come over to our place later today?" I ask her hopeful that she will agree. Her green eyes look really shocked that someone would even ask her to come over somewhere. Strange! Has no one ever done that? She seems to think about my question rather long, which worries me slightly. I however also find it incredibly cute how her eyebrows move around while she ways of the cons and pros of coming over to us. At least that's my assumption.
„I don't know. I still have some stuff to unpack and I also need to ask my mom if it would be alright with her to meet up with you." She hesitantly reply's. My face surely fell at hearing her declining my offer, it hurts that she doesn't want to spend some time with me. Especially since my brothers were already able to hold her and spend some more time with her. Edward and Jasper look apologetic towards me, understanding how much this pains me.
„Hey, i didn't decline. I simply need to ask my mom for permission beforehand." her soft voice says as she lays her tiny hand on top of mine. That small gesture makes my heart jump in joy. She at least must like me a tiny bit. Otherwise she wouldn't try to comfort me, of that I am sure! Smiling softly at our two very different hands that still fit so perfectly into one another.
„We should start to get to our next classes now or we are going to be late." Rosalie says slightly annoyed that we have to go back to those pretty useless classes instead of getting to know my mate some more.
„I am afraid Rosalie is right. Which class do you have now anyway?" Alice questions with a wide smile. Knowing her she already knows which class she has now anyway. Still it would be really spooky if we all tell her that we know all her classes already. i mean she seems to not remember them herself so how would it look if we do!? She could get suspicious of what we are and that is a big no! At least for now!
„History and afterwards I think i have english." Clair says and starts to look for her sheet. When she finds it she nods as to confirm that this is what she has next. Seeing her face suddenly grinch a bit, makes me scoot closer towards her. Is she maybe hurt? Did those useless girls hurt her before Edward got there?!  My body instantly starts to vibrate in an effort to not walk over to their table and kill them on the spot.
„Are you alright Emmet?" the sweet voice of my mate makes me look towards her right on instinct. Her green eyes shine in wonder and fear that something might be wrong with me. A squeeze on my hand also makes me realize that she is still holding my hand in her way smaller one. A hard kick on my leg makes me get out of my head and back to reality where my mate is still watching me carefully.
„I am fine Love. No need to worry about me. I only space off at times." I say and see the relief overflowing her. Her eyes twinkling and her mouth now turned into a sweet smile again.
„That sounds familiar, i also space of at times." she answers me and keeps on starring in my eyes with a small blush tinting her cheeks sweetly.
„Sorry to interrupt you guys, but we really need to go to our next class now." Angela softly says. She also sounds pretty unsure if it was ok for her to interrupt us.
„You are right, Angela. Sorry for making us late again." Clair right away apologizes and jumps out of her seat. She however right away stops her movement and turns back around to us.
„Does anyone of you have our class now too?" she asks sweetly.
„I have History now too. The others however sadly don't." i say and stand up along with Angela and my siblings.
„Ready to go?" I ask the two girls but most specifically my lovely mate. Seeing both of them nodding their heads in reply makes me smile slightly at how in sync they are. Softly I lay my arm around my loves shoulder and much to my joy, she allows me to do so and even steps a bit closer so our body's keep on touching each other as we walk.
„Ugh! How many of you fuck with that!?" I hear that idiotic Swan girl sneer my way, but I completely ignore her and keep on walking. Both the girls surely also heard her statement but they luckily followed my lead and kept on walking without any reaction to her dumb statements.
„Pff, if you think we are going to watch you as you steal our future husbands you are highly mistaken!!" She shouts after me and that's it!
„You guys go on to our class. I will follow you shortly!" I softly say and see that both girls want to disagree with me right away. But knowing me, this is going to get ugly! so it definitely will be best if my mate doesn't see me that way. I wouldn't want her to fear me!
„It's fine love! I only want to talk with this idiotic human being as well as explain a few things to her. After all I Can't allow this lowlife to bad mouth you all this time." I say and without thinking too much into it, kiss her soft and perplex lips. Her cheeks right away turn bright pink and her heart speeds up rather quickly.
„Just please come with me. She isn't worth the trouble." my sweet as sugar mate asks me in a whisper. And as much as I would love to wrap my fingers around that pathetic whores neck and watch as she dies slowly, I cant say no to my mates please. When I see Edward and Jasper watching us from the outside, I nod slightly. Knowing fully well that they will make sure that this thing finally understands that we won't allow her to tyrannies our lovely mate.
„Ok. But only because you asked me to." I whisper back and feel her whole body go lax against me. She must of really been worried that I will stay behind. Maybe she even thought I would dump her for that thing!? Well, this will surely never happen!
„Thank you!" she whispers and cuddles even closer into my chest. My inner beast purring at the closeness to my mate.
„Everything for you my love." I whisper back. Not meaning for her to hear me, but somehow she still did.
„We should go to our classroom now." she says quietly and takes my hand in hers before she starts to walk towards a widely smiling and waiting Angela.

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