x. eyes on fire

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You must allow yourself to
outgrow and depart from
certain eras of your life with
a gentle sort of ruthlessness.

x. eyes on fire

"Embry stop staring at your dad and eat." Tiffany said, sighing as Lucas smiled and ruffled Embry's hair.

Embry smiled and started eating.

"You know he looks much like me. I'm surprised Sue didn't call me and ask if Embry was my son." Lucas said.

Tiffany groaned.

"Sue and I are not on the best of terms. You know the women here thought I could possibly be a mistress to their husbands and was flattering Embry as evidence of their husbands' infidelities." Tiffany said.

Lucas shook his head.

"Idiots." Lucas said.

Embry cleared his throat.

"So I know this may be too early to ask for this but it's something I've wanted since I was a kid...actually I have a few requests." Embry said as he pulled out a piece of paper out of his pocket.

"What is it son?" Lucas asked.

"One, I would like to add Uley to my last name, you know a hyphenated last name. Two, I want a family photo of us and grandma maybe Charlie since he's like my step grandpa. Three, I want a little brother. I always wanted one and lastly, I would like a car." Embry answered.

Tiffany rolled her eyes at his request for a little brother.

"We can do all of that." Lucas said, smiling.

"Excuse me, who said I would be okay with being pregnant again?" Tiffany asked.

"As if you'll be able to keep your hands off of me. Don't worry, Embry." Lucas answered, winking at Tiffany.

Embry smiled.

"I think this house is going to be so chaotic with the both of you now." Tiffany said.

x. eyes on fire

Gemini got up from the couch and shut the television off when she heard a car pulling, so she walked over to the window and pulled open the curtain.

Gemini look to see Rosalie parking her car and Emmett gets out with Alice and Jasper.

Gemini pursed her lips.

Gemini rolled her eyes as she heard them talking about how to approach her. Gemini walked to the front door and opened it.

"You guys do realize I have super-hearing, right?" Gemini asked as Gemini walked out.

"Oh right." Emmett answered.

Alice walked up Gemini and smiled.

"We want to get to know you better since you are family." Alice said.

"Family?" Gemini asked.

"Yes, family. Charlie isn't going to let go of you and Bella may be upset and being over dramatic about you but we four have come to the conclusion that you're super cool and we want to get to know you. It's best for everyone that we're on good terms with you." Rosalie answered.

Gemini nodded.

"Right... well, do you guys want to go shopping?" Gemini asked, trying to be friendly with them.

Last night, after Charlie yelled at her for setting the forest on fire and fighting. He made agree to try and be nice to the Cullens as Bella even though she is a vampire, she is still his daughter and he didn't want them fighting anymore.

He wanted both of them to get along but Gemini knew she would never like Bella or Edward but she could see herself getting along with the rest of the family.

"Actually, we're here to take you to buy fishing equipment." Alice replied.

Gemini was confused.

"Why?" Gemini asked.

"Charlie wants to take you fishing." Alice answered.

Gemini nodded.

"Right, you can see the future." Gemini said.

Alice smiled.

"Should we also look at wedding dresses?" Alice asked with a wink.

Gemini rolled her eyes.

"Don't play with me like that." Gemini answered.

Gemini got in the car with them. Rosalie was driving.

"So, what is it like being a nine tailed fox?" Emmett asked.

Gemini shrugged.

"It gets boring." Gemini answered.

"How could that be possible?" Emmett asked.

"Doesn't it get boring being a vampire the longer you live?" Gemini replied.

Emmett nodded.

"I guess you're right." Emmett said.

"Tiffany is your daughter, right? Which makes Embry your grandson. How does it feel having a family?" Rosalie asked.

Gemini smiled.

"I love it. Tiffany is the best thing to happen to me and her having Embry has filled my heart. Sometimes I'm a little sad about Tiffany aging but now that she seems to be unlocking her fox side. I'm happy. I know you female vampires can't have children but I think you should be grateful not have any children. There's a lot of bad things about being an immortal parent." Gemini answered.

"Like what?" Rosalie asked.

"Not aging, having to disappear half of their lives because your neighbors get suspicious about why you can't do certain things or the constant danger you can put your child in and etcetera... the list goes on." Gemini replied.

"You seem like a good mother but Tiffany must have had a tough childhood." Alice said.

Gemini nodded.

"Her useless father made things so hard for us. And I couldn't do anything about it because Tiffany needed a normal parent, who could be there for her but I should have just killed the bastard and take Tiffany away." Gemini said.

"Was he that bad?" Rosalie asked.

"Men like him should never be fathers. I had to wipe half of Tiffany's memories of him so she could only see him as a good father." Gemini answered with a sigh.

"What about Lucas? What happened with him?" Alice asked.

"Her father happened. He knew about the gene and he claimed he didn't want that to taint his bloodline and chased the poor boy out of the state." Gemini answered.

"Oh so that's why he didn't know about Embry." Alice said.

Gemini nodded.

"Yeah, but I'm glad he's here. I know he can make them really happy." Gemini said.

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