xv. maria failed mission

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One day your heart will take you to your Lover.
One day your soul will carry you to the Beloved.
Don't get lost in your pain, know that one day
your pain will become your cure.

xv. maria failed mission

Word had spread about the Volturi's defeat against the Olympic coven, a coven of vegetarian vampires and their witnesses.

Maria was not impressed and felt the Volturi had lost their value in the Vampire world. Maria being her greedy self is now seeking to extend her control further. First, by taking out the Olympic coven then the Volturi to become the new leader of the Vampire world.

Taking out two of the strongest covens would show other covens just how powerful Maria is and they would be too afraid to go against her.

Maria knew about Alice's visions, so after thinking carefully about Alice and her gift, she made sure not to make her decisions about the her movements so obvious.

Now, Maria was finally in Forks. Her plan was to attack and destroy the Cullens in their home.

"What the hell are you and your coven doing here?" Gemini asked.

"Gemini!" Maria said as she started getting nervous, she didn't expect to run into Gemini.

"Hey, Maria, haven't seen you since you took off running after I ripped your arm off. I see that you found out." Gemini said.

"The reason why I'm here has nothing to do with you, Gemini so don't get in my way." Maria said.

Gemini was already pissed off and Maria being here wasn't a good thing.

Maria stood firm as Gemini began threatening to kill her and her coven if they did not leave Forks.

"Do you really think you can take on my coven?" Maria asked.

Gemini stared at the tiny brunette with a soft and musical voice and laughed.

"You should be worried." Gemini answered as her brown eyes changed to her fiery orange eyes.

Charlie gasped at what he was seeing through Gemini's eyes. He couldn't believe she was about to try fight all vampires on her own.

He quickly pulled his phone and called Tiffany to get the pack to Gemini's location. Then he called the Cullens, Alice was upset she didn't see this coming but they promised they would go help Gemini and for him to stay at the station.

They quickly left the house, making the fields where they had fought the newborns and found the wolves laughing as Gemini made the members of Maria's coven fight each other. As much as they wanted to interfere, they couldn't help but laugh as Maria throw a tantrum.

Maria was furious. She didn't understand how Gemini, who clearly wasn't a vampire was doing this.

"Who the hell are you?!" Maria shouted.

"You chose the wrong day to come, puta." Gemini said as she walked up to Maria and picked her up by neck.

Maria dig her nails into Gemini's hand.

"Is that all you got?" Gemini asked as she tightened her grip around Maria's neck.

Maria then tensed and growled at Gemini before kicking her in the stomach. Gemini dropped Maria and they started fighting.

"Gemini is really powerful." Carlisle said as he watched Gemini fight Maria.

"She's just playing with her. She could have easily just set her on fire." Jasper said.

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