Chapter 13: Luke

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Friday February 19 2021

"Alright party people, you asked and here we are delivering. Welcome to our YouTube channel! Dav and Sav!" I say to the camera, Sav and I giving big smiles and Jazz hands, "so for our first video it was a toss up between doing something we are both really really good at or something we're both really really bad at. We flipped a coin, good one, so this week we're dancing! Next week...baking."

"Not just any dancing," Sav adds, "TikTok dances!"

"I am dreading this, however, we know we're both gonna kill it and that's not that fun. So we brought someone who might not have such an easy time, please welcome Mr Owen Patrick Joyner!" We both clapped as Owen awkwardly walked into frame.

"Wow, thanks for the confidence guys!" Owen says with a fake big smile and two thumbs up. Sav and I figured out the 5 different dances pretty quick while Owen stumbled and fell a couple times before finally getting the hang of it.

"Well that's all for today I hope you guys enjoyed watching me make a fool out of myself. Be sure to subscribe to this channel that's not mine and get ready for Julie and the Phantoms season 2 coming to whatever screen you watch Netflix on!"

"Owen this isn't your YouTube, but yeah what he said. Bye guys!" We all wave to the camera before Sav walks over to shut it off.

"That was so fun!" Sav squeaked

"It was a lot of fun! I can't wait to film ag-" *BUZZ* *BUZZZ*

"Ooo is that lover boyyy" Sav teased

"Which one?" Owen asks

"What?" I look over at him

"You heard me, is it Luke or Charlie?"

"There's nothing going on between Charlie and I. Charlie has made is crystal clear he does not have feelings for me at all."

"Yeah," Owen rolls his eyes, "whatever you say."

Penguin 🐧
You're done filming now
aren't you? Please say yes
I am so bored

I am done filming yes lol

Penguin 🐧
Lovely! Well then get
ready and send me your

Sir yes sir

Penguin 🐧


"Okay I'm gonna go change I'll be right back"

"For your DATE?" Owen raises his eyebrows up at me

"It's not a DATE Owen." I yell down the hall before closing my door. It really wasn't a date, don't get me wrong I really like Luke he treats me well, he's nice to me, he makes his feelings for me crystal clear. Hell, he was the man of my dreams from the ages of 14 through 18, but something just feels off. I know what that something is, it's Charlie, but admitting it even to just myself makes it way to real. I can't have feelings for Charlie. He has none for me. I walk back into the living room to an empty apartment, "Hello? Did y'all just up and leave me without saying anything?" There was a note on the counter.

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