Chapter 28: Christmas

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December 25 2021

Man I love Christmas, I'm not quite done filming on legacies yet but we get a week off to be with family for the holidays which is really nice. So now I'm in Texas. I haven't been home to my apartment in almost a month which is a big bummer, I miss Sav, she really has become like my very best friend and sister over the course of this year.

Luke is in Australia with his family, but Dylan's here with my family and I love that. He's like my brother at this point I've known him for 10 years, he's been dating my sister for 5. At this point I'm just patiently waiting for them to get engaged and live happily ever after.

"What are you doing?" I jumped. It was 5 am and everyone in the house was still asleep, except for now my mother I guess, "are you cooking?"

"You should know by now mom that I love Christmas and the holidays always make me extra nice. So yeah, I wanted to cook everyone breakfast." I laughed

"Alright what are we working with?" She asks sitting on the opposite side of the island.

"Well we got waffles AND pancakes, bacon, sausage, scrambled cheesy eggs, fresh orange juice, not so fresh apple juice but we don't have a juicer and I can't squeeze juice out of an apple, fruit salad, and in about 30 minutes I'll start the coffee."

"Why 30 minutes?"

"Because every Christmas Isaiah wakes up at 6, wakes everyone up and runs down to open presents. Like a seven year old. So it 5:20 now and if I start the coffee at 5:50 it'll be done just in time for when everyone walks their sleepy groggy butts down those stairs."

"You've been busy, say did you get your license yet? You told me when you were in Vancouver you had some friends teaching you."

I let out a heavy sigh, "it's not really that I'm scared to get it any more it's just...ugh I don't know."

"What is it sweetie?"

"Charlie and Owen where the ones who taught me how to drive, and Owen was happy to teach me and happy to help me get over my fears, but Charlie-"

"What about Charlie?" She asked in her kind of concerned mom tone.

"He was just so excited," my head fell, "he always said all this stuff about how we were both going to be living in LA so I could drive to his house all the time and we could hang out and continue our morning coffee tradition and now.....and now he hates me." I felt a tear slide down my cheek so I quickly turned around and started the coffee pot. "I just miss him mom." More tears started to fall.

My mom hopped off of her seat and came up and put her arm around me, "I know you miss Charlie, you tell me a lot, but what about Luke?"

"Mom, I've been dating Luke for like 7 months now, I care about Luke, hell I think I love him which is very scary considering my past relationship history and I feel like shit everyday because I miss Charlie even though I'm pretty sure I just miss him as a friends and-" I started to breath heavier and I felt a knot in my throat, I also think my mom was just sick of hearing me ramble on and on because she brought me in for a hug and started stroking my hair.

"Hey hey shhhh, it's okay honey. Do you want some mom advice?" I nod my head, "well for one, you don't have to feel bad for missing Charlie, losing a friend is hard, wether he was just a friend or you had feelings for him at one time. Secondly, you have been through a lot in the relationship department and you are so strong, you're my strong girl, and I understand how this can be scary, but Luke seems like a really good guy. He seems like he really cares about you, it's okay to love him honey." I nod my head again hugging her tighter feeling a million times better.

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