Chapter 12: Monster

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I cannot believe he's making me wait here! Kimmy though as she paced around Sherlock's flat. He has no idea what I've done! I've explored London in the nineteenth century, faced Daleks—I have been to flipping Asgard, for crying out loud! He thinks I can't handle this?

"Of course he doesn't," she mumbled to herself, flopping down on the couch. "You're a Watson, not a Holmes. To him you always have been and always will be ordinary."

Before she could say anything else, a phone rang. She sprung to her feet and crossed the room to Sherlock's desk, where she'd left the phone given to her by the Doctor. According to him, it could call anywhere in time or space. She'd tried to call him several times since she'd reached the flat, but he'd never answered. This had to be him calling her back.

The phone was barely at her ear before she started talking. "Doctor, we've got a problem. I—"

"Oh, honey, I'm sorry," a voice on the other end—one Kimmy had never heard—cut her off. "The Doctor can't come to the phone right now."

"Who are you?" she asked, a feeling of dread washing over her.

"Be a dear and put Sherlock on the phone," the man on the other end of the line said. His voice was strangely sweet, but it also made the hairs on the back of her neck stand up.

"Sherlock isn't here," she replied.

"Pity. Could you give him a message for me?"

"You're him," Kimmy said, suddenly realizing who the speaker was. "You're Jim Moriarty."

"Hi," Moriarty said, drawing out the word as if singing.

"Where's the Doctor?" she demanded.

"He's a bit preoccupied at the moment."

"I swear, if you hurt him—"

Again, Moriarty cut her off. "Oh, I think you should be more worried about me hurting your mother, Miss Watson."

Kimmy felt as if her heart stopped beating for a few seconds. "How do you—"

"Or, should I say, you should be more worried about me hurting you. You're here with me, aren't you? How does it feel knowing you're in two places at the same time?"

"You don't know what you're dealing with," Kimmy said, though she knew that it was pointless to try to reason with him. "If you alter the timeline—"

"Oh, honey, I do know," he interrupted. Is he ever going to let me get a word in edgewise? Kimmy wondered. "Time can be rewritten. I won't kill your mother to stop you from being born. I'll kill her to make John suffer. If John suffers, then Sherlock suffers. No paradoxes, no problems. The fact that you'll never be born is just a bonus."

"You're a monster," Kimmy spat.

"Oh, don't be dramatic, Kimberly, I won't kill Mary yet. I want to have some fun first. Which takes us back to the message for Sherlock."

"What do you want me to tell him?" she asked, trying not to sound as afraid as she truly was.

"Tell him to go to the place where our journey started," Moriarty answered. "And, Kimberly, make sure you go with him. I'll be in touch." As soon as he was finished speaking, the line went dead.


I have bad news and good news. The bad news is I will be unable to post a new chapter next week.

The good news is you get two chapters this week!

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