Chapter 2: The Client

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Kimmy was relieved when Sherlock opened the door to his flat. She'd been afraid he was out on a case or with Molly. No, not yet, she quickly reminded herself. It's too soon.

"Can I come in?" she asked as she looked up at the detective. Kimmy knew she wasn't the tallest girl in London, but she always felt even shorter when she was around Sherlock. "I need your help."

"Of course," Sherlock said, stepping aside to let her pass, "come in."

"Thanks," Kimmy said as she entered the flat. It looked so different than what she was used to. The flat practically screamed "there is a single man living here" when she walked inside. The furniture layout was very similar, so she sat down in the same place she always did: the center of the couch. She took a second to take off the sunglasses she'd been wearing. She then slid the hood off of her head and smoothed down her hair.

"How can I help you?" Sherlock asked as he sat down in the same chair he always did.

"It's more of a personal matter than a case," Kimmy said, trying not to meet Sherlock's eyes. Man, this was a lot easier in my head, she thought. "I need you to introduce me to someone. Her name is Mary Watson."

"Why would you possibly need me for that?" Sherlock asked, clearly losing interest in Kimmy's visit. "She and John live—"

"I don't want to meet John," she cut him off, "only Mary."

Sherlock narrowed his eyes at Kimmy as she spoke. She could tell he was trying to deduce everything about her. If he did manage to figure everything out, she would be extremely impressed. She considered telling him, but doubted he's believe her if he did. Only as a last resort—

"Interesting," Sherlock suddenly said, interrupting her thoughts.

"What's interesting?" she asked. There's no way he can know. There is no way he could possibly—

"A long lost relative," he answered. "Given the age gap, I'm guessing you're her distant niece or cousin. You're obviously dedicated to finding her because you called her Mary—she's only gone by that name for a few years, only those closest to her know that she changed identities—so the rest of your family is likely dead. You don't want to meet John, which suggests that you're afraid of getting close to them for fear of getting hurt by another loss, so your last relative died fairly recently."

"So you'll help me?" Kimmy guessed, sighing in relief. He didn't know the truth.

"Why not?" Sherlock asked, waving one hand through the air in front of him. "John's out of town for a medical convention and Mary's home alone. Who knows, she might enjoy some company."

"Sherlock, I cannot thank you enough," Kimmy said, a smile spreading across her face. She was actually going to do it. She was actually going to meet Mary Watson.

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