Chapter 4: Confessions

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Kimmy knew something was wrong when Sherlock opened the door to the flat. John always insisted that she keep their flat locked; she couldn't see him not asking Mary to do the same. If that were the case, then Kimmy could only think of one reason that Mary wasn't answering them.

"Sherlock—" she said, forcing her voice not to reveal that she was on the verge of tears. She was actually thankful when he cut her off by raising his hand. She wasn't sure how long she could speak without crying.

Kimmy silently followed Sherlock into the living room. When she saw the room, she couldn't stop herself from crying out. Did you miss me? was written across the wall in what looked like blood.

"Moriarty," Sherlock said simply. Kimmy felt tears start to fall down her face. She'd grown up hearing stories about Jim Moriarty; she knew what kind of monster he was.

"He got her," she said, her voice catching. "He got Mary."

Sherlock was already walking around the room, making deductions from every angle. He stopped in front of the message and started at it for a second. "It's not blood," he stated. "Smells like paint. Look around the rest of the flat; see if there are any more messages or signs of a struggle. I don't think he hurt her. He most likely took her to—" he cut himself off when he turned and looked at Kimmy's tear-soaked face. He stood there awkwardly for a moment as if unsure what to do. Kimmy wasn't surprised; he was a sociopath, after all.

"He took her to get to you and John," Kimmy finished for him. "He wants to use her as leverage."

"Yes," Sherlock said, nodding. "He most likely forced her out at gunpoint. She's nearly thirty-seven weeks pregnant, so she's in no shape to fight back. He probably knew that. He'll keep her until he gets whatever he wants—which is probably my head on a stick."

"Then we've got to save her," Kimmy said.

"There's no 'we' in this," Sherlock snapped. "You're a child. I may be a sociopath, but I have enough moral decency to not let you go against a criminal mastermind like Moriarty."

"Sherlock, you don't understand." Kimmy's voice was growing desperate. "If Mary dies, then I won't exist!"

"What is that even supposed to mean?" Sherlock demanded.

"It means I'm her daughter!" Kimmy snapped.

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