Chapter 32: The Game Is On

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Kimmy stepped into the familiar console room of the TARDIS, pulling the door closed behind her. She walked across the room to stand by the Doctor, her steps echoing through the room. He smiled his childish yet comforting smile as he leaned against the console with his arms crossed over his chest. "Everything okay?"

"Yeah," she answered honestly. She was going to miss the Sherlock she'd come to know in the past few days, but she knew that it was best that he forgot about her.

"So, where to next?" the Doctor asked, walking around the console. "We can go somewhere tropical if you'd like a change from the cold weather, or we can go to the best ski slopes in the universe while you're still used to it. We haven't heard from River in a while, might be time to see where in her timeline we are—"

"Actually," she cut him off, "I think I should go home for a few days. After all this, I need to spend some time with my dad."

"Perfectly understandable," the Doctor said. "Just call when you're ready for another adventure."

Kimmy smiled as he started flipping switches and hitting buttons on the console. "Thanks, Doctor."

"You're quite welcome, Kim," he replied. "Though I am sorry that meeting your mother didn't go quite as planned." Kimmy didn't reply to the apology, but could tell that the Doctor knew he was forgiven. Even though they hadn't known each other very long, Kimmy sometimes left like they had known each other forever.

When the TARDIS landed, Kimmy and the Doctor shared a quick hug before she stepped out of the TARDIS. He had landed in her bedroom only a few minutes after they had left the last time, according to the clock on her nightstand. Everything was exactly the way she'd left it, right down to the book lying open on her bed: one of her dad's, open to the Study in Pink.

Kimmy sat down on her bed as the TARDIS disappeared and picked up the picture frame that had been sitting beside her clock. The silver frame was heavier than it appeared, in both weight and how it made Kimmy feel. In the frame was a picture of her and her mother, taken on Kimmy's third birthday. Kimmy was looking away from the camera, but Mary was looking right at it—or, rather, at John holding the camera—and smiling brightly. Kimmy smiled and brushed a bit of dust off of the glass with the end of the bowtie around her wrist, mumbling, "I can't believe you named me after myself."

As soon as she said it, there was a knock on her bedroom door. The sudden noise made her jump, but she quickly relaxed and put the frame back in its place. "Dad?" she called, knowing that he was most likely the only person in the house besides her at the time.

The door opened to reveal a silver-haired John Watson, who offered her a small smile as he stood in the doorframe. "Hey, Kimmy, you okay up here?"

She nodded, gesturing at the book. "Just doing a bit of reading."

"Okay," he said, nodding. "Well, Sherlock's downstairs. He needs me for a case. He says it shouldn't take long, but—"

"It's okay, Dad," she cut him off. "I understand." John nodded and started to close the door, but a sudden thought made her stop him. "Dad, wait!"

"What is it?" he asked, opening the door again.

"Would it be okay if I came with you?" she asked.

John looked genuinely confused by her question. "You want to come with us on a case? You've never wanted to do that before."

"I do now," she replied. "So may I?"

"I don't mind," John answered, shaking his head, "but you'll have to ask Sherlock."

Kimmy smiled and all but jumped off of her bed before throwing her arms around her dad's neck. "Thank you, Dad! Thank you so much!" John, obviously surprised, didn't have time to return the hg before she'd started making her way down the hallway. "Come on, we can't keep Sherlock waiting," she called over her shoulder.

When they reached the living room, Kimmy paused in the doorway and couldn't help but stare at the detective sitting in an old armchair. She'd gotten so used to seeing Sherlock as he had been when he was younger, that she almost couldn't believe this was the same man. His dark hair was streaked with gray, crows' feet marred the corners of his eyes, and a few deep lines were clearly visible on his forehead. Even though she knew he didn't, a tiny part of her held onto the hope that he remembered their little adventure.

"Ready to go?" Sherlock asked when he heard them approaching.

"Almost," John replied. "Would it be okay if Kimmy came with us?"

Sherlock's gaze shifted from John to Kimmy, a deep crease appearing between his eyebrows. "You've never wanted to come on a case before."

"I never wanted to before," she replied.

"How do I know you won't just slow us down?" he questioned.

Kimmy stepped back and quickly looked over the detective. "Angelo's or Chinese?" she asked after a few seconds.

"What?" Sherlock and John said at the same time.

"You and Molly are going out tonight," she explained. "You've shaved—very closely, so with a new blade. You want to look your best. You've got your coat buttoned even though it's not very cold or windy, so you don't want to risk getting your clothes dirty—she'll be able to see you. So dinner, not a movie. You never leave in the middle of a case, so you can't be going anywhere that closes early, which considerably lowers the field of possible restaurants. Angelo would stay opened during the apocalypse if you asked him and the Chinese place near your flat stays open until two. Which brings me back to the original question: Angelo's or Chinese?"

Sherlock's scowl turned into an amused half-smile as he listened to her deductions, clearly impressed. John, on the other hand, just stared at her with a dumbfounded look. "How did you—"

"I learned from the best," Kimmy said, smiling triumphantly as she started walking towards the front door. "Now will you two please hurry up? The game is on!" She stepped out of the flat and into the afternoon sunlight. She stood on the sidewalk, head tilted towards the sky, as she waited for John and Sherlock to catch up with her.

Sherlock caught up with her first, standing beside her. In a low voice, he asked, "So, the doctor's daughter is taking a break from time traveling?"

Kimmy whipped around, unable to believe what she'd just heard. He just looked down at her with a smug smile, making the lines at the corners of his eyes more pronounced. Winking at her, he added, "Though you probably prefer the detective's apprentice."


That's it. That's the end of The Doctor's Daughter. But the tale of Kimberly Sherlock Watson has only just begun. The sequel, The Detective's Apprentice, will be up as soon as I have the first few chapters written. In the meantime, here are a few things to look forward to:

· Kimmy and the Doctor being best friends

· Sherlolly cuteness

· John Watson's sass

· The infamous Sherrinford Holmes

· Everyone's favorite archeologist, River Song

See you (hopefully) soon, loves!

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