Chapter 26: The Doctor

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Walk to the window. Walk to the kitchen. Walk to the wall of pictures. Walk back to the window. Walk to the fireplace. No matter how hard she tried, Kimmy couldn't stay in one place. Sherlock, on the other hand, lay stretched across the couch with his hands folded beneath his chin in his familiar "thinking pose". He'd been that way for nearly an hour. If she didn't know better, Kimmy would have thought she was asleep.

"Would you stop that?" he eventually asked, making her jump. "It's terribly distracting."

She knew he was talking about her pacing, but didn't stop. "What's taking your homeless network so long?" she demanded. "We are down to three and a half hours. How long could it possible take to find this place?" She waved at the wall of photos for emphasis.

"You're wasting energy by pacing," Sherlock said without opening his eyes. "Sit down."

"I can't!" she snapped. When this whole mess had started, she was terrified for the Doctor, for Mary, for herself. But she wasn't scared or upset anymore. Moriarty had crossed the line when he changed the rules of his little game. Now, she was simply mad as hell. "In case you haven't noticed, the Doctor's and Mary's lives are on the line. And if by some miracle the Doctor is able to regenerate after being shot in the head, he's going to have to go through this twice."

Sherlock opened his eyes, a look of confusion on his face. "Regenerate?"

"It's a Time Lord thing," she mumbled, turning away from him as she paced across the room again.

"You care about him," Sherlock said matter-of-factly.

"Very keen observation," Kimmy replied flatly.


"Because he's my best friend." She glanced over at the detective, surprised to see that he was no longer lying down. Instead, he sat up, watching her with curious expression. "What?"

"How did you even meet the Doctor?" he asked. "I wouldn't think there were many time travelers running around."

"He's the last of his kind," Kimmy explained. "And how we met is kind of a long story."


Kimmy pulled her coat tighter around her body, trying to block out the freezing wind. The sky was dark with the threat of rain, and Kimmy hoped she would reach her home before it started falling. She'd gone to her classmate Laura's house to work on a report for their history class, but had gotten very little accomplished.

As Kimmy walked, she passed a small park. Usually it was full of families and people with dogs, but she expected it to be empty because of the weather. The last thing she thought she would see was a man with floppy brown hair and a bowtie running towards her. For a moment she wondered what he was running form, but then she what was chasing him: it was made of rusty metal with rows of spheres covering its lower half and some kind of blue light sticking out of the dome on its upper half. She's barely caught a glimpse of it before the floppy-haired man plowed into her, knocking her off of her feet.

"Exterminate!" a harsh computerized voice yelled. At the same time a flash of light flew over Kimmy's head, so hot that she could still feel the heat form it.

"Run!" the floppy-haired man yelled, pulling Kimmy to her feet. He didn't wait for a reply, he just grabbed her hand and started running away from the strange robot, which kept firing what Kimmy could only describe as lasers towards them.

"What is that thing?" Kimmy asked, struggling to keep up with the strange man. He was much taller and much faster than she was.

"Dalek!" he yelled back, glancing over his shoulder at her. "I'll explain later!"

The Doctor's Daughter | Wholock {1}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt