Chapter 15: Personal

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"Sherlock, do I need to read all of this?" Kimmy asked.

"Every word," Sherlock confirmed, looking at the rose stems through a magnifying glass. They've been cut recently, he thought as Kimmy kept reading. They've been very well cared for, too. Someone invested a great deal of time into these roses.

"Is that all of it?" he asked when Kimmy stopped reading.

"Yes," she answered as she stuffed the note back into the envelope. "What do we do now?"

"We need to get these to Bart's," he explained, standing up. "There might be traces of pesticide on them that can tell us which garden or shop they came from. Moriarty is making this personal, so it probably won't be from a random garden. It will most likely be somewhere near where I live."

"Molly's at Bart's," Kimmy pointed out. "Moriarty said we have to work together but we can't risk her seeing me and recognizing me in the future."

"I'll tell her I need to be left alone," Sherlock said as he picked up the flowers. "If you keep your back to the door and don't draw attention to yourself on the way in, we should be fine."

"You really think that will work?" she asked as they exited the room.

"I don't see why it wouldn't," he replied.

"Since when are you this optimistic about anything?" Kimmy asked.

"I'm not," Sherlock said as they walked down the stairs. "I'm just stating the obvious."

Kimmy didn't reply as they walked out of the building and to the waiting cab. "St. Bart's," he told the cabbie as he sat down, pulling the door shut behind him. "Do you still have your glasses?" he asked Kimmy.

"I left them at the flat," she answered, shaking her head.

"Then keep your head down when we get there," he instructed. "I don't think we'll run into Molly on the way in, but better safe than sorry."

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