Chapter 23

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Whip pocked his head around the bedroom door


"Can you zip me up?" I asked, emerging from the bathroom holding my dress up

The bedroom door creaked open and he moved further into the room. His cool hands made contact with my skin.  Goosebumps spread across my body at his touch, reminding me that even though months had passed since we had become one, his presence still made me giddy.

"There you are" Whip finished, as the zip locked at the top of the yellow dress.

I smiled and turned around to face him "What do you think?" I asked as I gave a little sway

"Beautiful" He smiled "You could never be anything less"

Another smile grew across my lips

"Are you almost ready to go?" I asked, turning for the bathroom to do one let check on my appearance

"Pretty much, are you?"

"I think so!" I said, reappearing out of the bathroom and switching off the light

I clasped my hands together "Im just so excited!" I exclaimed doing a little dance "I can't wait"

Whippet gave a little chuckle "Well lets get going then!"

I nodded my head and danced over to where my white shoes lay at the foot of the bed. I slipped into them before taking one last glance in the mirror and following Whippet, hand in hand, out the door.

Not knowing, that this would be the night where everything changed..


It took about...i'd say, 40 to 50 minutes until we arrived in the city. This warm Friday night meant that the city was filled with people, young and old looking to have a lovely evening out. The streets became a bit congested as we neared the theatre, but eventually we pulled into the underground carpark.

What felt like forever, but only turned out to be about 6 minutes passed until we backed into a carpark.

After practically leaping out of the car and moving around the car to Whip, we clasped hands and began making our way up into the theatre lobby.

We stepped into the elevator, joining another couple around the same age as ourselves.

"Seeing the Lion King too?" The girl asked. She wore a purple dress that ended just below the knee, her long hair ironed into curls that fell midway between her back.

"Yes!" I replied, a little enthusiastically

Rescue Me - Bondi Rescue FanficOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora