Chapter 27

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"Oh gosh" I breathed as Whip and I walked hand in hand into the tower the next morning.

Multiple camera men bustled around the tower, moving in and out of the doors and setting up little video cameras around the place.

Whippet helped me put my stuff away "Is it always like this?" I asked

"Yep... you'll get used to the cameras after a little while"

I nodded my head as we moved up into the main part of the tower to try and get out of the way and dodge the men bustling around.

"Good morning, love birds" Taco greeted

"Good morning" I replied

Hoppo appeared out of no where and clapped his hands, just as the sun began to peak over the horizon and cast a light glow into the tower.

"Alrighty, boys... oh and Sam" He sang, smiling in my direction

"As you might not already have realised, we are starting filming for our 6th season today. Im going to have Jesse, Sam and Harries up in the tower for most of the day and the rest of you guys spread out across the beach"

We all nodded our heads to signal we understood

"Also, I checked the weather forecast for this arvo, and it looks like we may have to close the beach early. A massive thunder storm and terrential rain is forecasted to move in around 3:30, so we need to be prepared for that.... Okay, then... the camera guys are ready to go and so are we! Let's go!"

Whip gave me a swift and soft kiss on the cheek before him and everyone else began to move to their respected posts for the day until Jesse, Harries and I and the cameras were left in the tower.

My eyes followed a young family move down onto the beach and voila! The day had officially begun!


I tapped my finger nails on the bench as my eyes continued to scan the water. Darkening clouds were beginning to swirl over the water, but we had at least 5 more hours until the storm really hit.

A man with a camera was filming us as Harries was radioing Maxi and Gonzo down at the south end about a suspected thief... just what the camera men were waiting to record, edit and chuck on the next episode of Bondi Rescue.

Jesse leaned back and stretched his arms above his head before picking up the binoculars again

Suddenly a voice spoke from behind me

"So Sam"

I turned around and saw the camera man was making conversation

I smiled "Yes?"

"Since you and Whippet are all over the magazines and are the most talked about couple in Australia"

My heart skipped a beat at the mention of my name being all over the tabloids but pushed the rising bad thoughts to the back of my mind

"Why don't you tell us and the rest of Australia how Whippet and Sam came to be?"

Jesse had turned his attention to me and the camera man while Harries continued to watch the water, but he was clearly listening in too.

"Well... umm" I began "It's not too fancy or that cute of a  story... It was my first official day at Bondi so I came down to the beach to get some vitamin D and whatnot... I had been here for maybe an hour.. Im not too sure, but I heard a little boy yelling from the water... I watched him, then the lifeguard tower for any movement or for anyone who knew this boy was in trouble and was going to help him but.... Nothing.. So I jumped up and-"

"Actually.. Actually" Jesse interrupted "Can I expand on this story please?"

Another camera man had emerged from the back of the tower so there was a camera on me and a camera on Jesse

"Actually, Mr Clark was supposed to be patrolling and watching the water on this side. However about an hour before, he had been completely mesmorized and captivated by a girl in a red swimsuit and had hardly been able to take his eyes off of her since then"

My eyes mentally widened....I hadn't known that part...

"And so instead of watching the water he was watching this girl... And I think you can guess who the girl was" He gave a hinting look my way

"And so, when he saw her jump up and run to the water so suddenly he searched for her possible target and saw the boy in trouble. That's when we sprung into action" Jesse continued

Now it all made sense...

I remembered Hoppo's voice from when I woke up in the tower after I had passed out after getting the boy...

"Some people get easily distracted and stop watching for people who are in trouble in the water"

I... I was the distraction?

Jesse's voice filled my ears once more

"And voila! Thus was the beginning of the story of Whippet and Sam!"


I hope you liked this chapter! I just whizzed it up in half an hour because i wanted to get you guys something since its been like 20 days... whoops!

So here you go! I hope you enjoyed it!

Short but sweet!

Mwah! -S xxx

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