Chapter 7

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Here you go! A new update! Sorry it sucks :/ Also, i have changed Skylar to Sam... Skylar, like one of my wattpad friends said it sounds to..pretty to be in this kind of story and stuff! I hope thats alright. Im still not too sure on the name though so please if you've got any suggestions on names please let me know! it would really help! xx-S

Sam was still shaking by the time I got her inside her apartment.

I sat her down on the couch and quickly walked to the kitchen to grab her a glass of water. "Thanks" She said, almost in a whisper as i handed it to her. 

I knelt down in front of her, "Are you okay?" I asked softly. She nodded her head "Yeah..I'm okay" She replied, forcing a smile.

I didn't know what to do. How to act. I wanted to wrap my arms around her and just hold her and tell her everything was going to be okay.

"Who was he?" I asked

"I don't know" She quickly answered , her voice shaky


"I said I don't know! He was just some random guy!" She snapped

I was a little bit taken back, unsure about how to react.

She sighed and her face softened. "Im sorry" She said looking down at her lap

"Hey…" I said placing my hand on her cheek and tilting her hand up so she was looking at me "It's okay, you got a fright. Don't be sorry" I reassured her.

"Thank you" She sighed. I gave her small smile and rose to my feet. "Do you need anything?" I asked as she took a sip of water. She shook her head "I think im okay", There was a small silence as i tried to think of a way to make her feel better, to make her feel safe. 

"Here" I said walking over to the bench where a pad of paper and pen sat next to the phone. I scribbled down my number and my address. "Call me if you need anything. If you need to talk or if you need some company. Anything. You let me know okay?"

She nodded her head and smiled, this time she didn't have to force it "Thank you" She said standing up. "It's no problem at all. I'm sorry that it happened"

"Im glad you were there" She said shyly, a brush creeping upon her flushed cheeks.

I smiled and walked towards the door, before walking out I turned back to her "I'm not joking, if you need anything you call me okay?" I pretty much lectured

She giggled slightly "I will"

I smiled back at her and gave her a quick wave before disappearing out the door.

Sam's Pov,

My stomach did a little flip when his hand came in contact with my cheek. All I wanted to do was lean into his hand and let him know that I felt safe with him.. but that may have come off a little weird and creepy..

After I watched him leave the apartment a sudden feeling of loneliness and fear rush over me. Thoughts of that guy following Whippet and I back to my apartment and finding out where I lived swam around my head, different scenarios popping into my head until I felt so unsafe I had to run to the door and make sure all the locks were locked. I quickly walked over to the windows that you could see in from the street and closed the curtains. The ones overlooking the water were okay because even if you knew what house it was from the street you wouldn’t be able to tell from down the beach.

I sat down on the couch and pulled my legs up so my head was leaning on my knees. It was around 8 o'clock, the sun had gone done long ago and the only sound was the sound of the waves crashing against the beach. I sat like that for about an hour. I knew I had to try and sleep and be ready to go for tomorrow but I just couldn't bring myself to close my eyes.

My eyes drifted over to the kitchen bench where the pad of paper with Whippets address and phone number was sitting. I looked over at the clock that sat above the bookshelf it was around 9...Was it too late to call him? I didn't want to sound like a woos and pathetic.. its not like he physically hurt me...


 Next thing I knew I was walking towards the phone. I quickly dialed in the numbers and bought the phone to my ear.

"Hello?" I groggy voice answered

"Whippet? It's me" I barely whispered..why was I whispering?

"Sam" He said his voice no longer sounding sleepy "Are you okay?" He asked, his voice full of concern

"I..umm...can i.."

"Yes, of course" He quickly cut me off knowing what I was trying to ask

"Do you need me to-"

"No no, I'll be okay" I assured him

"Okay, well you've got my address. I'll see you soon, be careful okay?"

"Okay, I will" And with that we hung up. I pulled on a big grey jumper over my silk pajamas shorts and singlet before slipping into my thongs (flip flops) and grabbing the keys to the apartment and Whippets address. I quickly locked the door behind me and looked out to the dark street before me. I chill ran down my spin and I felt my heart beat quicken. I suddenly became concious of everything around me. What if he was still around?

I tried to force the thought out my head and started to walk down the side walk. My eyes were constantly scanning the area around me making sure no one was following me or nothing or nobody looked out of the ordinary.

 It was Sunday night but there were a lot of people still out and about. And when I say that I mean there were a lot of drunk people stumbling out of bars and clubs. I looked down at the address and walked quickly through the streets. "Hey pretty lady" I heard someone slur as I walked past them. I put my head down and hoped they wouldn’t follow. "Hey, come back here!" They yelled, I could here him coming quickly after me. My pace quickened and the next thing I knew I was running.

Sorry it just kind of..ended. I was worried it was getting too long! And i am so sorry if it seems to be dragging out alot! I'm trying to make it better :) I read 'sweets_'   Whippet fanfic today and it was amazing, and makes mine look like crap! But anyway, i hope you like! Let me know what you think and please vote and comment! Xxx-S

Rescue Me - Bondi Rescue FanficOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora