Chapter 10

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Okay, so i felt bad for putting this story on hold so im not going to do that anymore!! I hope you like the new chapter! Let me know what you think!! xx-Sara

Whippet's Pov,

I just stood there, staring blankly at the closed door in front of me trying to process what just happened.

Was it too soon?

Well no shit Whip, it obviously was.

I ran my fingers through my hair as I tried to figure out what I should do. Should I knock on her door and try and talk to her about what just happened? Or should I just leave her alone?

After a few moments of contemplation I turned around and walked away.

And can I just say,

That was one of the hardest things ive ever had to do.

Sam's Pov,

I wanted so badly to fling open that door and go after him. But something was keeping me from doing so...Someone was keeping me from doing so.

I wiped the tears off my cheek as I picked myself up off the ground and walked to the bathroom for a shower. Hoping that the searing hot water would wash away all the bad things, all the pain… all the regret.

I stepped out of the shower 45 minutes later and slipped into a pair of sweatpants and a singlet. I wandered out to the deck and leant against the railing, letting the night air pass lightly through my semi-dry hair. I felt nauseous as I realised  I would have to go to work tomorrow… and see Whippet… Would he ask me about tonight? Would he even talk to me?

When I woke in the morning, last night 's events played back through my mind and I mentally groaned rolling over and nuzzling my head into my pillow wishing I could just stay here all day and not have to face him.

I lifted my head and my eyes widened as I realised what time it was. I practically flung myself up from the bed and ran towards the wardrobe grabbing out a bikini and lifeguard uniform, chucking them on without jumping in the shower. I scrambled into the kitchen grabbing onto a travel mug and filling it with hot coffee to wake me up. I slid into my thongs before grabbing my bag and running out the door, slamming it behind me.

I cringed. As once more, I was reminded of last night.

As much as I dreaded going to the tower and facing Whippet I sprinted down the already boiling hot pathway towards the beach because I really did not want to be late. As I ran up the stairs to the tower gorilla style, I stopped abruptly at the door before taking a deep breath and turning the handle.

I walked in and placed my bag on it's usual hanger before turning around and walking up the steps to the main part of the tower. As I bid hello and good morning to the boys and apologised for leaving so early and suddenly last night my eyes landed on him.

He was sitting in the corner watching the water, not once had he looked at me, not once had he acknowledged my presence.

Taco snapped me out of my daze as Hoppo began reading out who we were paired with and our positions for the day. "Azza and Harries - Flags, Mouse and Jesse - Tower, Sam and Whippet - Backpackers" my head snapped towards Hoppo who sent me a smile and a wink my way before heading out of the tower and back to his office. Everyone began moving about and heading down to where they were assigned too. But I just stood there.

Then he stood up. I followed him with my eyes as he walked right past me and out of the tower, not once did he look my way.

"Is he okay?" 'Jesse asked turning my attention to him.

"Oh..yeah he's...fine" I replied

Jesse nodded his head "Probably still hung over from last night" Jesse added

"Yeah" I said in barely a whisper as I began making my way out of the tower.

As I reached the bottom of the stairs Whippet was already sitting in the Rhino leaning on the steering wheel waiting for me. I quickly got in the passenger seat and we were at backpackers in less than a minute.

Silenced filled the air as we set up the Rhino and the boards ready for todays rescues. We sat ourselves back in the Rhino and watched the water.

"Whippet… about last nigh-"

"It's fine"

"No it's not fine.. I-"

"Sam" He said turning to face me "I shouldn't have tried to kiss you. I was out of line. I was drunk and I wasn't thinking straight. I obviously freaked you out. Im sorry"

"You didn't freak me out" I replied "It's just-"

He glanced over at me as I stopped mid sentence

"Let's just forget about it yeah?" I offered with a smile

He nodded his head and smiled


But the truth is...I didn't want to forget about it

I didn't want to forget the surge of passion that ran through my body and the butterflies that formed in my belly as our lips were only inches apart.

It was a feeling I never wanted to forget.

It was a feeling I wanted to feel again. 

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