Chapter 14

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Whippet's Pov,

Waking up the next day I had a pounding headache. Sitting up on the side of the bed I rubbed my temples. Yesterdays events flooding back into my mind.

Standing up, still groggy from sleep I waddled into the bathroom and shredded off my pyjamas and jumped into the shower.

15 minutes later I emerged from the shower and wrapped a towel around my waist. Walking into the kitchen I turned on the coffee pot and let the thick, strong coffee pour into the pot. I grabbed out some cereal and milk only to find the milk was out of date. Groaning in frustration I turned around and started back to my room, cursing the stupid milk.

Pulling on my lifeguard shirt and board shorts I packed everything into the backpack and slung it on my shoulder. With the cereal and milk still sitting on the bench I grabbed the keys to the apartment, I walked out the door.

Walking down the street I looked at my watch. '5:35' it read. I had to be in at work by 6 so I had time to grab something from the café then head over to Bondi.

I wandered what it would be like down their today. Im guessing it would be quiet and slow since everyone would still be pretty shaken up about yesterday.

Entering the café I ordered a bagel and coffee before waiting 5 minutes then heading down to the beach.

Stuffing the last bite of the bagel in my mouth I jogged up the steps to the tower. I stopped just before opening the door and took a deep breath. 'I need to apologise to Maxi' I thought 'He didn't deserve that yesterday'

I turned the knob and entered the tower.

I hung my bag in the locker and walked up the steps to the front of the tower.

A pang of guilt ran through me as my eyes landed on Maxi. He was the only one in the tower, watching out the front at the first beach goers of the day made their way onto the sand.

"Every ones out setting up. It's just you and me in the tower today" He suddenly spoke still watching the beach.

I nodded my head taking a seat in one of the chairs next to him.

I swivelled my chair so I was facing him.

"Max, look...i'm sorry about yesterday-"

"It's fine" He interrupted turning to look at me "Im not mad"

"No, its just...I had no right to go off on you like that"

"I understand" he assured sincerely "If i was you I'd probably done the same thing. I-we all know how much you care for Sam"

I looked up at him, a small smile flashed across his lips "There's no use trying to deny it"

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