Chapter 16

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Enjoy xx-S

A smile played on my lips "Okay.." I said, waiting for him to go on.

Then I saw it. Him.

I felt my breath catch in my throat and my eyes darted back to Whippets.

He looked nervous. But not as nervous and scared as I felt in that moment.

I took a mental deep breath trying to think of a plan to get him out of this apartment.

He wasn't safe here.

Neither of us were safe here.

He opened his mouth but I cut him off.

I forced a smile across my lips "Oh damn" I interrupted "I totally forgot the cumin for the sauce. Do you mind running down to the corner shop for me?"

Whippet still wore that unreadable expression on his face "Sam" He sighed "I really need to tell you-"

"I know, I know" I cut him off once more "But I really need you to get me some cumin from the store" I continued

"Sam, i-"


He exhaled in defeat "Okay. Imported or Australian made?"

I shrugged "Doesn't matter"

He nodded his head and began walking out the door.

I glanced behind me

"No. You know what. No"

I spun back around, surprised by Whip's sudden outburst.

I stared at him and he stared back.

A few moments passed. Then I began to cry.

"Sam..Sam whats wrong?" He asked, his voice soft and full of concern and pain

"Im sorry" I sobbed "I just..i just really need you to leave"


I held it together long enough to speak "I need you to turn around and leave this apartment."

Confusion washed over his face "What's going on?"

"I need you to go. I need you to stop thinking about me and I need you to leave. Please.  It's not safe here" I barely whispered

He lifted my face up so I was looking into his eyes "The problem is that i dont think i can stop thinking about you. I dont think i can stop loving you. So i need you to tell me whats going on. I need you to tell me so i can help you. I dont want to see you hurt. I dont want you to feel this way. So no. Im not going anywhere. Not until i know your going to be okay"

Another sob escaped my throat.

"Sam" Whippet hushed "What's going on?"

I looked up, into his eyes.

Then the front door slammed. My eyes darted from Whippet's eyes to what stood behind him. Mark.

"Hello Sam" He spoke, a disgustingly creepy smirk appeared on his slimy lips.

Whippet grabbed my arm and pushed me behind him, as if to shield me from the man standing 3 metres away from us.

"Who are you?" Whippet ordered

Mark's smile grew "Why, hasn't little Sammy mentioned me before?"

The muscles in Whippet's arms tensed and his grip on me tightened.

"What's he talking about?" Whippet asked not taking his eyes off Mark

I opened my mouth to reply or respond in some way but nothing came out. Instead, Mark answered for me.

"Why why, Sammy and I go way back" He put his hands behind his back and began to pace, as if reminiscing a fond memory. 

"About 4 months ago, Sammy and I were happily engaged" He began

I felt faint. 'Please' I begged 'Please Mark don't do this'

"Until.." He looked over at me "She ran away"

His facial expression became hard and dark "So, like any other normal broken hearted fiance, I went after her"

"How did you find me?" I spat out, trying to control my emotions

He kept pacing "Why, your darling mother told me you'd me here" he replied observing his nails

My mind began to tick " did she know I would come here? I-I didn't tell anyone where I was going"

Mark shrugged as if this was an everyday conversation "She told me you always wanted to move here after school, and voila! Here you are!" He cheered throwing his hands in the air

The room quietened, Mark leant against the counter "Anyway. The point is im here to take you home"

I shuddered.

Then Whippet released me and took a step forward "She is not going anywhere"

I was shocked at his tone of voice. The flat and deadly serious tone that rolled off his tongue as he spoke those words.

"You will never touch her again. And by the time im done with you, you will never look at her again"

A sliver of silver glimmered in Marks hands. My eyes widened.

Mark took a step forwards.

Whippet took a step backwards.

Then Whippet lunged forward. 

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