chapter 1:strange dream

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"Kevin!!!how many times do I have to tell you DON'T BE LATE!!!"

"If this happens again you'll be on house arrest until you finish your lessons which means NO ANIME and NO INTERNET"

"Ehh......EEHHH!?father please have mercy I'm only a 7 year old!!!"

"I'll burn those comic book you have!"

"Noo!!!and for the record those are manga's M.A.N.G.A.S"

Third person pov.

"The next day my father took me to a farm where I polished my cooking skills.After I turned 12 my mother then enrolled me into A country's top medical school for 4 years and that is how I became a surgeon and a chef"a young man sitting on a couch explained

"How did you passed the entrance exam?didn't your father only taught you about cooking?"

"My dad hired tutors for each subjects those tutors would come every Friday,Sunday and Saturday at the end of every month they gave me tests college level tests"

"Wow you must be really worked hard.Do you get prizes for your hard work?"

"Father would give me 2 hours to browse on the internet"

"What do you usually browse?"

"Internet memes"

"Alright that's all for today I'm your host Jones Johnson and of course our guest Kevin Sanchez the youngest Michelin star chef ,the owner of kuidaore restuarant and a military medical personnel"

"and CUT!"

"Thank you for guesting in our talk show Mr.Sanchez"

"No problem director I do owe you one....well goodbye then"
The young man with blue hair left

"I don't get why they call him mischievous"

"That's because he only causes trouble to does he doesn't like"

"How do you know director?"

"Its because I'm his mother's friend"

"What kind of personality does he has?"

"He is very caring and loyal to does he likes but to those he doesn't like.......he'll make their life's a living hell so don't anger him"
Kevin POV.
"Sigh.....I'll miss my show because of this traffic"

I am Kevin Sanchez a son of a famous chef and a famous military surgeon,I as the son is expected to exceed my parents.My whole childhood consist of training to be a chef and a medic if it weren't for anime I would have committed suicide due to over work.

But all does training worked I became the youngest Michelin star chef and the youngest military surgeon in the world because of my accomplishments my parents became proud but due to work I sometimes don't have time to watch anime sigh....the struggles of a weeb.

I'm turning already turning 26 tomorrow which means I get a day off I'll be able to catch up to my favorite anime Att*ck on T*tan.

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