chapter 5:Dinner

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Kevin POV.
'Ahhh!!I'm so tired that Male lead kept dragging me everywhere like a rag doll!!'

[Host the queen already told someone to poison your dinner but the kitchen is currently having some problem]


[The kitchen is currently having trouble]

'What trouble?'

[The king demanded to create something new for you host]

'Behind the kings stoic and cold mask he is actually caring and for that I won't ruin his life's

[What are you gonna do host]

'I'll go and help out don't want to delay the queen's plan'

[Host!aren't you suppose to avoid your death?!]

'Don't worry I got a plan'

As I was near to the kitchen I could already smell something burning.As I entered the kitchen I saw people running around panicking while others are writing for new ideas.

'Seems like they didn't notice me'

"Excuse me this steak is over seasoned and a bit under cooked"I soon as I spoke the chef's Immediately looked at me

"This fish stew is too oily and the sliced vegetables are too big."As I pointed their mistakes they immedietely see if it's true

"Does the prince knows how to cook?"One of the chef's asked and looked at me amazed

"Yes,may I have permission on helping with the cooking?"I asked nicely

"But second prince may get hurt"

"Don't worry I'll just give instructions"

All of them then looked at each other with doubtful looks.
After an hour it was almost time for dinner.

"Second prince thank you for your help I admit I also had doubts on you instructing us but know we can't thank you enough for your help"after the head chef thanked me the others then kept praising me.

'If this goes on my ego will grow big'

[What do you mean host according to your stats you have 75% more ego than the average person]

'Vanilla don't expose me like that!'


All of then turned to see a maid entering the back door.

"Excuse me but do you need something?"I then asked which startled her

" is the s-second prince doing here?"

"I suddenly smelled something burning so I came to check then I ended up helping the chef's prepare food for the royal family. How about you miss what are you doing here?"As I waited for her answer the door then opened revealing fredrick who looked worried

The maid then dropped a bottle she was holding.

"Oh here miss you dropped this"I then handed the bottle

"Young master!why didn't you tell me you were going here?!I-I thought something happened to you?!"fredrick explained hurriedly

"Sorry Freddie I won't do it again"
Fredrick then sighed

"Let's go young master you need to change your clothes for the dinner"fredrick then pulled me out of the kitchen

[Host!you were holding the bottle of poison!!]

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