chapter 13(part 2):Money

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A grand party was held at the moving luxury cruise ship.

'This is so uncomfortable' I thought

Being surrounded by people with high status,made me feel tiny.I leaned against the wall and tried to conceal my presence.

'My trip would have been more enjoyable if Vivienne only booked a regular ship'

"Sigh...."I the looked around

The nobles were chatting while the string quartet played.The sound of sea waves crashing against the ship was vaguely heard by the noise,the salty scent was overwhelmed by the smell of various perfumes and the food prepared was lacking.

'I miss Kevin's cooking'

I kept silent and hid on the corner but I soon felt gazes that was directed at me.My anxiety got worse.

The already suffocating atmosphere turned more intense and so I decided to go to my room and lock myself in to calm myself.

Socializing isn't meant for me anyway.

I walked as quietly as possible but I then heard weird noises that echoed the hallway.


'.........'I halted my steps

'Did I hear wrong?'

"T-there! ngh~ ahh~"

'....oh my god...'

"Stop squirming you sl*t"

I felt my cheeks burn hotter in embarrassment.

'...I shouldn't have left my room'

As a virgin introvert it was double the embarrassment to hear such words.
I fought back my urge of wanting to jump down the cruise ship and erase my existence.The noise became louder as I walked to my room.

'..... you've got to be joking..'

The noise were coming from the room next to mine and what's more was the door from the room wasn't even closed properly.

'Have some shame!'

I awkwardly walked passed the room with my eyes closed and went to inside my room as fast as I can.I locked my door and before I could go and cleanse myself in the bathroom that's connected inside the room,a slime hand tapped my shoulder.


"Azazel-san we are almost there" Mimi, Vivienne's trustworthy servant reminded

I sighed in relief and calmed my beating heart.I then finally processed the words from Mimi and I felt excited.

I laid down my bed for a while but soon I stood up.My excitement couldn't be contained anymore so I looked out of the window of our room and peeked my head outside.

The continent of Nisí tou thisavroú that is home to valuable ores and fashionable clothes and items that are good references to artists like me but this isn't why I'm going there.

"Mimi is the identification card ready?"

"Yes,I've also packed up your luggage and about 10 minutes are the remaining time we have before we reach the dock"

I came for business and to help the town of Barr in their troubles but because of my nature I can't help but be curious of the land.

"The island of treasures....wait isn't this a continent?"I felt confused and so I turned to seek answers from Lin

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