2) Evy?

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The Evers finally settled down in their seats after a two headed dog creature made its way to the front of the room.

The students all sat in silence, awaiting the strange dog's announcement. Evelynn was fascinated, a two headed dog was the last thing she thought she'd see. In her whole life.

"QUIET!" The black half of the dog yelled, however there was no difference because everyone was already quiet.

"Castor!" The white dog glared at its other half. "Welcome, Evers and Nevers. I'm sure you're all happy to be here, and ready to train to get your happy ending, or at least, be part of a fairytale."



Fear and anguish began to eat away at Evelynn, would they not all have their own fairytale? She didn't even consider the possibility she could become non-human at the end of her school life. A plant!?

"But yes, that could happen, on each side there's 120 students, each class will have 20, so there's 6 good, 6 evil. You are ranked each lesson, but if you place last more than 3 times in a row. You will be expelled."

Worried whispers fanned out between the students.

"SHUT IT." Castor glanced to the white head, "SORRY POLLUX."

"Is shouting the only way he can communicate?" Evelynn murmured, Agatha grumbled an amused noise in response.

"As I was saying, yes you can be expelled, but I doubt that will happen. You were chosen for your side depending on how good or bad your soul is, you might be a little bad, or a little good, but ultimately you are one or the other. You can't change however much you want to, because there is never a mistake."

"She's a mistake!" The ginger from earlier yelled, pointing straight at Agatha.

"We've got one too!" A never pointed at Sophie in turn.

Pollux's eyes darted between the two girls, then at Evelynn, then to another professor.

"It's not a mistake," He stated firmly, Sophie looked close to tears as Agatha muttered unrepeatable things under her breath, "You each have a swan on your uniform, if you try to hide it or cover it up, there will be consequences."

Agatha immediately slammed her palm into her chest, then gaped in horror when the swan had made its way onto her skin underneath. A tattoo.

Evelynn watched many other students doing the same. "Why did you do that!?"

"I didn't know!" Agatha protested.

"He just said!"

Eventually everyone's attention returned to Castor and Pollux.

"Now, I think that's everything, you'll receive your timetables and lessons start tomorrow at 9. Remember, don't try to change your fate, you have a side for a reason, you're good or evil for a reason. Don't try anything rash."

"GET OUT." Castor managed to spit on everyone in the front row.


When leaving the hall Agatha pulled Evelynn to the side. "I gave Sophie a note, and I'm going to meet her on the halfway bridge now."

"Should I come?"

Agatha hesitated. "I think it'd be best if you didn't...I need you to cover for me and get our timetables."

"Oh." Evelynn was annoyed. "Okay...see you in our room?"

"Yeah, bye!" Agatha ran in the opposite direction, her scruffy black hair flying back.

Evelynn began to follow the now significantly ahead group of Evers and realised the pink rose was still clutched in her palm, she mimed throwing up and tossed it to the floor. Evelynn's bad mood had sunk in, and now she'd be horrible for a few hours, it was annoying, but she'd always struggled with resolving her bad moods.

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