12) It was Agatha

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Tedros Tedros Tedros.

Was all that was going through Evelynn's mind, she knew he recognised her. It was fairly obvious from the fact that he said her name.

She hated to admit that she missed him. Chaddick's words chorused over and over in her mind.

'Tedros is only with Sophie because he thinks you don't like him' 'she's like a rebound'

Was it true?

She didn't know.

Did she want it to be true?


"Lynn." Chaddick broke her frantic train of thought, he had stopped and waited for her despite storming off previously, having changed his mind.


"I think we should go back."


"Oh come on! With Tedros we have a guaranteed win...Tristan is...well, that's another aspect but still."

"Don't you think it would be better if we stay in a smaller group?"

Chaddick sighed, leaning on a tree trunk next to her. "I know you have an awkward thing with Tedros, but he's my best friend, and I said I would help him. I feel bad for ditching him with Tristan."

"Tristan's not that bad!"

"Lynn." Chaddick pulled an obviously fake sad face. "Please, I miss my bromance."

"Why did you even ask me to be your partner if you were meant to go with Tedros anyway, you know, your future King?"

As soon as the word 'King' left Evelynn's mouth it felt strange, King Tedros. It seemed so much more regal and important than a silly Prince, so much more...difficult.

"Because," Chaddick began confidently, but it faded rapidly, his brow falling in thought, "I don't...know."

"Are you lying to me?"


"The weirdest reason to join the class screw-up is to not have a reason."

Chaddick looked sheepish, and scratched the back of his neck with his free hand.

"Why did you do it? Tell me the truth Chaddick."

He hesitated. "Okay, but if I tell you. Don't tell Tedros."

"Spit it out!"

"Calm! Okay! The truth is, Tedros told me to ask to work together, then drag you over to join him so he could prevent you from getting hurt."

Evelynn stared blankly at the boy before her, then laughed. "Hogwash."

Chaddick looked annoyed. "You're impossible, and so is he. Made for each other."

Her smile faded, and she looked lost, her mind elsewhere as the two continued through the woods. Chaddick stopped, and Evelynn noticed they were in the same clearing as before, but now, it was empty.

"Great," Chaddick sighed, barely looking at her, "Tedros and Tristan are gone."

"I'm sorry." She said, not wanting to state all of her excuses because she knew it wouldn't help, "We'll look for them, come on, there's nothing else to do in this forest besides avoiding enemies anyway."

He nodded, adjusting his bow and leading the way forward through the trees.

They walked for a long time, and it had begun to grow dark, the sun only just lighting the sky with its final glow.

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