19) Those Three Words

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Evelynn couldn't bear to take it anymore.

She couldn't even blink, but she forced her feet to move, she dragged herself out of the auditorium and into the night, not caring for the countless pairs of eyes following her.

It was cold outside. And wet.

Raindrops splattered onto Evelynn's face, she blinked them away. Raindrops soaked her violet hair, she ignored it. Raindrops splashed onto her dress, she let them fall.

She walked like a zombie through the pouring rain, the skirt of her dress billowing in the wind around her as she tried to make any sense of what she'd just experienced.


Evelynn stopped at the sound of his voice, everything inside her wishing for an explanation that she knew would not calm the storm inside.

She turned slowly, staring at Tedros before her. His hair had already been soaked by the rain too, and he pathetically attempted to shelter himself with a raised arm.

Evelynn clenched her jaw, forcing the tears away. "Why?"

Tedros stepped closer, shaking his head. "I did it to protect you."

Evelynn laughed, but she felt insane inside. "To protect me? You ruined me Tedros. All because you couldn't handle how imperfect I am."

"Are you forgetting you lied to me Evelynn?" He snapped back, clenching his fists at his side. "You think I wanted to leave you? I was scared. It was pathetic. I was scared of what would happen if I stayed with you."

"And what exactly might have happened?"

Tedros looked desperate at that point. "Evil always finds a way. It ruined my father, and I don't want the same thing to happen to me. I don't want to fall in love with the wrong woman."

Evelynn searched his eyes, she could tell he was sincere. She'd heard through the school gossip about Tedros's mother, who'd left King Arthur for his Knight, and abandoned her child. All because she was forced into a marriage.

When she said no more, Tedros continued. "Chaddick told me you're going to the ball with him. I didn't know what to do. I don't have feelings for Agatha. I need a date, to get a good grade."

Evelynn scoffed. "Now grades are important."

"Evy please believe me." Tedros grabbed her hand, as if holding her back from walking away. "I never wanted to let you go."

The girl yanked her hand away. "But you did, Teddy. You left me, and you chose my only friend at this terrible school to use next. And that's not even the worst part because- she said yes."

Evelynn started walking away, her tears mixing with the rain dripping down her face.

"Please..." Tedros called after her, "I love you, Evy."

Her heart stopped at those three words, as well as her feet. She couldn't turn around and look at him, she couldn't move, she couldn't breathe.

The rain seemed to freeze too in that moment, like the whole world had paused at his words.

"How could you?" Evelynn murmured, "How could you do this to me?"

"I'm sorry."

She spun on her heel, walking up to him and staring up at his tear-stained eyes. "How could you tell me you love me, after what you just did. After I've cared for you as much as I have." Her voice cracked painfully. "How could you?"

Tedros's jaw quivered, he reached to hold her face, but she stepped away.

"Tedros. I'm going to need some time."

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