3) Talent

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"What?" Evelynn asked, muddled by the group of blank faces staring at her, but when her voice came out sounding exactly the same as the professor's before her, she realised.

"I'm not...Pollux am I?" She swivelled her gaze back to Tedros, who looked just as shocked as everyone else in the room.

"Can someone please speak!" Evelynn cried, she held her now purple dog paws up to her face, eyes widening in horror, "Why am I a purple Pollux!?"

"Why are you a purple Pollux?" Tedros mumbled.

"Yes! Why?"

"That is a remarkable talent!" It took the students a second to realise the real Pollux had spoken.

"And how on earth do I change back?" Evelynn pleaded, Pollux walked up to her, and it looked as if he was staring into a purple mirror, what a strange sight.

"How fascinating." Pollux leant to the side as if he expected Evelynn to do the same, of course she didn't, because she wasn't actually a mirror.

Tedros gulped, "just do it again."

Silence followed as she processed the information. "Right of course, yes, fantastic um."

She closed her eyes again, flattening her paws onto the desk, the colours came back, but this time when she opened them, real Pollux looked even more impressed.

"Even better Evelynn! That's amazing!"

She immediately looked back at her 'hands', they weren't purple anymore, but still paws. Now identical to Pollux.

She groaned, "No!" then squeezed her eyes shut for the third time, she had hands again! But looking up her forearms, she realised they were still Pollux's. Only her hands had changed back.

"No, stop that it's weird!" Beatrix protested, standing up dramatically behind her desk.

"I can't help it!"

"Calm down Evy!" Tedros could see how frightened Evelynn was. "Just envision being yourself again, one more time. You can do it!"

She glanced at him with a worried frown, then closed her eyes once more, this time, everyone looked relieved and Tedros was smiling. Evelynn was herself again.

"Marvellous work Evelynn!" Pollux praised, "it's a very special talent you have, I see great potential."

Evelynn looked up to see a sparkling '1' hovering above her head, pride seeping into her. Beatrix huffed across the room, then started waving at Tedros, but the boy didn't even notice, Evelynn was the only girl that had his attention.


At lunch the three readers finally had a chance to communicate, huddled behind a tree in the outdoor break area.

"When did you decide to become a princess!" Sophie remarked, placing her hands on her hips then pulling them away again when she remembered she was wearing dirty black rags.

"To fit in?"

Sophie rolled her eyes. "I want to be a princess with you Lynn! I obviously deserve it, I've been waiting my WHOLE LIFE. It's not fair. And Agatha didn't try to fit in did she? She deserves to be where I am with these gross, mean bullies!" Sophie looked close to tears, but Agatha and Evelynn just stared with no comfort to offer.

Evelynn couldn't believe Sophie's words, how could she say something like that about her only friend?

"I am here you know." Agatha uttered, throwing the blonde a filthy look.

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