Chapter 25

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After a long while, we stopped. 

"Where are we" I asked Edward

"I don't know" He said as he got out of the car.

I started to open the door, but he quickly did his little vampire run to my door and opened it for me. I paused for a moment, looking into his eyes, getting lost in them. But then found myself quickly, shook me head a little bit and continued speaking. "what do you mean? you don't know where we are? we are lost??"

"the point is that if even we don't know where we are, he won't. Im not an idiot" He rolled his eyes and stuck his hand out to help me out of the car. I got out on my own, dodging his hand, I gave him a quick little 'look up and down', rolled my eyes and said, "I beg to differ". I grabbed my  backpack, that he had grabbed, and began walking towards little cabin we had parked in front of. 

After a little while of him still continuing to stand there, he finally let out a little sarcastic laugh as he said said, "Smooth". I smiled a little, took a breath, "Whatever" I said before a small pause, I was kind of waiting for him to come and catch up with me, he didn't, "you coming?" I spoke with a bit of impatience, he picked up on that and was by my side in an instant. There was so many things to hate about Edward Cullen, but this was not one of them. 

We entered the tiny cabin and the first thing I noticed was the scent. For an old, small, ratty cabin that was in the middle of nowhere, it sure smelled quite lovely. It smelled like a mix between pine trees, rain, and old books. Three of my favorite smells. A realization suddenly hit me, "Edward, you said you don't know where we are, then whose cabin are we in right now?" I spoke calmly. "I don't know that either" He said quite carelessly. "What? What if they come back??" "then we will deal with that then, but for now, why don't you go upstairs and get washed up" 

I would indeed worry about the owners coming back, but I knew I could stop Edward from having us stay here, so I silently obeyed and trudged up the stairs.

I stepped into the bathroom and pulled out a couple clothing items I had put in my backpack. I played them out, undressed, and stepped into the shower I started. 

I faced the shower head and let my eyes fall closed. I let the water run down my body and cover every inch of it. I was relaxing in the moment. In the past day of anxiety, I let myself calm for just a minute.

That feeling of zen didn't last long however. I door suddenly opened, and of course the shower curtain was clear. 

I covered myself as best I could before seeing Edward closing the door behind him. "EDWARD WHAT ARE YOU DOING IM NA-"

"y/n, I don't care. Turn off the shower. Victoria found us, she's almost here"

"How do you know?"

"Alice called, now please get dressed"

I knew it was the wrong time to think this, but I felt the slightest bit insecure that there was a naked girl standing right in front of him and he didn't even care. I quickly recovered from this thought as he left the room and I exited the shower.

After quickly throwing my clothes on I ran down the stairs.

"what are we going to do?" I asked as I approached Edward

"Do you know how to drive?" He responded with


"okay here if what you are going to do, you are going to get in the car and drive to this address,"he slid me a piece of paper

"You're staying?" I asked this as a question, although I wasn't surprised 

"Yeah, Ive got to. Now go!"

I went to give him a hug before leaving, after all I was still a scared little 16 year old girl. He didn't let me hug him though, instead of pulling me into a hug, he pulled me into a kiss. I didn't refuse it.

After a few moments he pulled away and gestured for me to go, that I did. I ran out to the car, opening the door for me to enter. But the second the door closed I felt more alone then ever.

AN: I am so so so sorry this chapter took so long, my break was much longer than to be expected, I am back now though!!

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