Chapter One: How it all started

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If someone had told me that being iseaki'd into a novel could actually happen to you- I would of sent you to a psychiatrist.

I was the type of person who only believed in things that I could see, so I didn't have much of an interest in fate, love or any of that other stuff.

My sister however; seriously believed in all that. She used to write stories as a kid then later became an Award-winning author with fans all over the globe.

Of course, I supported my sister- although I was a little jealous of the fact that one book was worth 2 years of my employee salary.

She would sometimes have me read some of her plots, so I had a basic understanding of isekai and fantasy genres. Her newest novel 'The road to Emperor' was going to be her newest hit.

I only got to read it briefly and looking back- I really wish I hadn't just skimmed it.


It was a regular day for me. Wake up at 4:30 am, shower and have breakfast then leave for the train station at 6:00. After the train, walk a few blocks to my company and clock in by 6:45.

On average, work was about 8 hours a day with an hour of overtime- dependent on our projects.

However; at that time, our current project was in its final stages but there was still a lot of work that needed to be done. Which means I was going home at 11 pm, and continued working once I was home til 1 am.

It probably didn't help that I knew the project the best and the only one who could quickly debug and code the system.

I had been working like this for few days when my sister sent me the draft for her novel.

'Hey sis!' Her email said once I had opened it. 'I want to hear your opinion on this draft. Mom and Dad say hi and to give them a call- apparently Mom has a blind date arranged for you. (But I didn't tell you!!! 😝😝😝) Your loving sister.'

"A blind date?" I sighed as I opened the document. "Didn't I tell her I wasn't interested?"


The novel itself was pretty good- it was about a male lead who was to become the Emperor of a world called Vesia. He was attacked multiple times as a child by demons and people didn't want him to become emperor until he fell into the hands of an evil witch who would torture him for several years until she died from a demon attack.

He was later taken in by a village who supported him in becoming an adventurer and went through several dungeons and trials- met life long friends and enemies while finding out his true identity as future Emperor of the world.

Of course, my sister had some overly romantic scenes with the male lead and many different women until he found his soulmate which then he turns into a one-women-man then later becomes Emperor.

'Wow ' I texted my sister after reading the document. 'You made him into a total playboy who later acted like a Saint after finding his soulmate.'

'Ya, people are into that now.' She texted back. 'Plus, in his life- he didn't care about anything since he couldn't trust anyone as a kid. So having him use people then get super obsessed with his soulmate just screams romantic. '

'To each their own I guess.' I sighed again. 'Draft is good, but what is the ML's name? I didn't see it written down at all.'

'His name? It's-'

"Hey." I jumped as I looked up from my phone to my coworker. "I need you to do this before you go home."


I was heading home when I remembered that I hadn't seen what the ML's name was. I pulled out my phone and was opening my messages when I suddenly felt someone pushing me from behind.

I fell into the street, landing on my side.


I looked up and saw Truck-kun; a fan favorite of many iseskai novels coming straight at me, the truck driver panicking as he couldn't stop fast enough.

The lights blind me before I could close my eyes and I recoil back-waiting for the pain of getting hit to come. But that pain never came.

I opened my eyes and found myself in the middle of a forest. I looked around for a moment as reality sets in.

"Oh you have GOT to be kidding me!" I pulled at my hair, barely noticing that instead of short brown hair- I had long silvery locks that surrounded me and rested on the soft green grass.

I was in that state for a few minutes until I calmed down and accepted that this was real. I stood up, staggering a bit from a wave of dizziness and pushed my long hair out of the way as I turned to face the tree which had been behind me.

I carefully stepped around the roots; using the bigger ones to lean on, as I got closer to the trunk. I stood before the tree feeling the wind at my back caught myself as I fell forward. As I touched the tree, a flash of light suddenly appeared and my fuzzy mind cleared.

Memories flowed into my head as I remembered who I was here: I was a 150 year old witch that lived in this forest. I had been resting beneath this tree until I had accidentally ate a poisonous plant and almost died.

'Wow, how do I manage to get poisoned when I have extensive knowledge of plants?' I wondered to myself as my 'new' memories placed themselves like puzzle pieces. 'So my name is Celestia.'


It's been about two years since I remembered everything. I now know that is is the world of Vesia and witches aren't well liked. I ended up making a home inside the forest, only going out to the town every now and then, selling medicine and potions to the townspeople.

They were hostile towards me at first but after I had given them medicine to help with a flu outbreak- they have become more accepting of me. Today, I was planning on heading out into the deeper reaches of the forest to resupply on some of my herbs- not realizing what was going to happen and how I was apart of my sister's novel.

How the Emperor trapped a WitchWhere stories live. Discover now