Chapter Thirty-nine: Possessive Kisses

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Note: Violence once again. (Go Celestia!) Also cussing. Annnd just a little sultry.

If I was to compare the two kisses that I've had in this life, to food: kissing Alaric is like eating your favorite food- regardless if its a dessert, meal, or snack. 

The warm feeling that appears as you eat your fill, the one food that no matter how old you are or what changes you've made in you lifestyle; it will always be the first thing you remember during bad or good times.

Kissing Radna was like being force fed your most hated food, topped with spoiled rotting fish as its dead cloudy eyes stare at you while being tied to the chair to prevent any escape. No matter how much you pled or cry or even puke, that food would continue to be forced down your throat.

So it should not be a surprise to anyone that I absolutely hated kissing Radna.


I uselessly pushed against Radna as his tongue raked inside my mouth causing me to shudder in disgust. I kicked him in the shin but when that gave no reaction; other than a smart aleck look, I kneed him hard in the groin.

"AAHHHH!!!!" Radna suddenly released me as I was internally laughing at the fact that no matter how strong of a being someone might be: they can still be incapacitated by hitting them in their family jewels.

"TIA!" I was yanked backwards and fell into the waiting arms of Alaric as he swung his sword at Radna, the tip of the blade slashing down his face from his hairline, over his left eye then midway down his cheek before Radna pulls back as he howled in pain.

But he didn't manage to completely get away before Alaric kicks out, hitting the same spot I had kneed with his foot.

"YOU D*MN F**KER!!!!" Radna curses at Alaric, his gaze full of hatred before raising his hand; creating black fire balls. "GIVE HER BACK TO ME!!"

"H*ll no." I found myself being plastered into Alaric's side as he half-carried me out of harm's way, deftly avoiding each ball of black flames. "She doesn't belong to you."

Radna continues to cuss as creatures start converging on us.

"Reach into my pocket!" Alaric yells as he slashes a creature in half that had been aiming at me.

It took a few seconds to understand what he had said and I quickly searched his pockets, finding my wand nestled inside it.

I pull it out and immediately casted a shield which protected our back from the creatures that had been trying to sneak attack.

"Suli! Jewel!" I shouted, causing both of them to look up at me. "Empower!"

The empowering spell allows the subject to have 75% increased strength, speed, and magic capabilities which lasts for about five minutes- but the recoil to the caster is troublesome so I don't use the spell at all unless absolutely necessary. 

I knew that the two of them had to been tired already after fighting topside; but we needed to change the flow of the battle to our advantage. 

Alaric and I ended up close to an occupied cage and I wiggled from his grasp to hurry over to the cage. 

"Alaric, cover me!" I knew that Alaric would make sure none of the creatures would approach me as I focused on the cage. I carefully touched the black iridescent bars and discovered that were formed by magic; all I needed to do was highjack the magic to release the Dragon.

I ignored the sounds of blood pattering and shrieks behind me as I poked and prodded the magic with my own, finally finding a weak spot.

A few moments later, the bars collapse causing the Dragon to look up at me weakly.

"Empower!" I casted the spell again as it blinked in surprise. The Dragon shakily stands before suddenly swinging it's tail, hitting several creatures that tried to surround us. That cleared a path for Alaric and I to rush to the next cage which I was quickly able to release the weaken Dragons and Empowered it as well.

Even though the cave was extremely large, it increasingly felt smaller as I released the other five Dragons from their cages and they joined in the fight: effectively turning the tide of the battle to our favor.

Radna had withdrew to the far end of the cave, near a tunnel as venom dripped from his gaze at the increased losses of his forces. We made eye contact, his eyes sending a wordless promise that he would be back before he turns and heads through the tunnel which causes the cave to start shaking.

"We need to leave! Now!" I hear Kimbra cry out and saw the large cracks that started to form inside the ceiling.

I turn towards her voice when I was suddenly and unceremoniously thrown over Alaric's shoulder before he runs to a Dragon who offered their back to him and jumps on as it takes off. The Dragon weaves around the falling rocks before rushing down a large tunnel which light streams out, revealing an opening big enough for all seven Dragons to escape.

I covered my eyes at the sudden glare of the sun; hours had passed since I had been dragged into the tunnels, it had felt like only moments to me.

Dragons filled the sky in triumph and roared as the tunnel closed behind the seventh Dragon. I could see that everyone else had also been assisted by Dragons while Suli held the scruff of Jewel's neck  between his teeth.

I sighed in relief at the sight before realizing that I was currently cradled in Alaric's arms who was watching me intently.

"Alaric... I-!" I start to say before he leans down and kisses me. My lips immediately parted to welcome him as he washed the awful taste of Radna away.

I subconsciously wrapped my arms around his neck and arched my back into the kiss as he held me tightly. I tried to copy his movements but found myself becoming dizzy from his scent that tickled my nose and relaxed as all the tension and revulsion that I had felt disappeared.

It felt like an eternity that we were kissing until he pulls away causing me to pout a little as he dazzles me with his smirk. I had lost all my immunity to him and could no longer hide that I love him.

Alaric sild of the Dragon as he continues to hold me while I couldn't help but smile like a idi*t; but it was all short lived since the recoil from the Empower spell kicked in and I passed out.

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