Chapter Forty-two: Death by embarrassment

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I quickly got up, pulling away from Alaric's chest then rolled off the furs to stand up. I couldn't believe that I had gotten caught like that and was fully intending on running away in shame. 

But Alaric reacted faster, grabbing my waist and throwing me back into himself- effectively becoming trapped in his arms.

"Let go!" I mutter quietly since my voice would echo loudly here and struggled to break his grip. He wraps his legs around mine and captures my hands before holding them out in front of me.

"If I do, would you stop trying to run away?" You could hear the amusement dripping from his voice and I knew that he was smirking. "I didn't realize that you would be so embarrassed."

"Of course I would be!" I gave up and grumbled, refusing to make eye contact with him.

"But your uniquely qualified to do anything to me." Alaric whispers into my ear which sent tingles down my face and my body to stiffen. "You can have your way with me anytime and no one would say a word."

He kisses my ear at my lack of response which startles me before slowly letting me go. I quickly move out of his reach, my back going cold as the heat from his chest left. Alaric smirks again and starts to play with a lock of hair that laid over his leg, raising it up to his lips to kiss it while watching me blush even deeper. 

Alaric had won this round.


It took some time for my heart to stop pounding as we met up with the others. Kimbra, Nolo, and Barrett looking fine while Reid and Blair held their heads and groaned from their hangovers. 

Before that however, Alaric had somehow procured a brush and carefully brushed my hair before braiding it into a single braid down my back. I was still reeling over his earlier comments and didn't notice what he was doing until he had finished.

He was currently standing next to, never moving more then a foot away from me. He was kind of reminding me of a helicopter parent- hovering around while being a little disengaged from our surroundings. 

Today was the day we were heading to tour around the hidden world, since I wasn't able to do it before the attack. Falvin and few other Dragons flew us down to a group of elves were waiting, showing us around the tree houses and scenery before stopping at the large lake.

A picnic was set up and I sat down on the blanket to watch Jewel frolicking around the lake, jumping in and out with large splashes. I glanced over and saw Nolo speaking with a few other elves.

"He has relatives here." Alaric held out a cookie, urging me to eat then frowned a little once I had taken it from him- since I knew that he wanted to hand feed me. "Which made it easier to come here."

"I see."  I took a sandwich and bit into it, the taste of fresh cucumbers refreshing my mouth with a satisfying crunch. The wind blew through the trees and across my face as I sighed in content, leaning back on my hands to joy the view. 

Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Alaric doing the same but instead of looking at the view, he was looking at me. His stare was slowly causing me to be self conscious about the fact that I haven't washed in a few days.

Those thoughts were short lived after Jewel ran up to me soaking wet and proceeded to shower water all over me and Alaric.

"Ack! Jewel!" I couldn't help but laugh in surprise as the smell of wet-dog wafted through the air. "Don't shake over here!"

Jewel gives me a wolfy grin before running off, leaving us wet.

"Dry." I flicked my wrist, using magic to quickly dry our clothes as Alaric continued to chuckle.


During the last few days that we stayed in the Mirror Mountains, Alaric updated me on what had happened this past year.

After we had parted, Alaric and the rest continued on their journey which Alaric found out his true purpose as Emperor of the World. He did end up fighting against Demon King Radna, but at a completely different setting than in the novel, meeting him in a desert.

I listened intently as he reiterated the battle for me- noticing missing parts of the story when compared to the novel and the fact that he never even met his soulmate.

I was both relieved and worried about that fact. We both had proclaimed our love for each other, but at the same time: I was still worried about 'her'.

From what I understood from my brief interaction with Radna, the novel was still in play even though I had changed quite a bit of the storyline. So Alaric was going to end up becoming the Emperor and be together with his soulmate no matter what.

I glanced over at Alaric as that pessimistic thought circled around in my head. We were getting a grand farewell by the Dragons who all flew with us to the entrance of the hidden world.

They swirled around us in dazzling colors which the light caught and reflected back, sending rainbows across our bodies until we landed safely and stepped off of Falvin's claws. I had gotten better at the motion so I was perfectly cheery while Blair, Reid, and Barrett were green. 

"You are all welcome to return anytime you wish." Falvin bows again towards us, handing me a gleaming golden scale from his body. "This will serve as a blessing to you and anyone you wish."

This was a rare gift: Dragons scales can bring you great fortune or misfortune, depending on how you received it. Those who steal the scales will be hounded by misfortune to the end of their days but those who are given the scale freely and willingly will have good luck in everything: from finding a extra gold coin in your pocket to finding a safe location to rest after being chased by beasts.

"Thank you Lord Falvin." I returned his bow. "We will use this wisely." 

It was now time to return.

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