Chapter Twelve: Forgotten Dream

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"Hey Tia?" A young Alaric says as the fireplace crackles and the wind howls outside. 

"Hmm?" I glance over my book before lowering it slightly.

"Why don't you ask me about my past?" He asks before attempting to hide behind his short bangs, waiting for my answer.

"I figured that you would tell me; if you wanted me to know." I leaned on the arm of the chair and cocked my head at him. "Some people don't like talking about their pasts."

"I see." We stare at each other for a few moments before Alaric looks away. I wait a minute before reopening my book to which he leans close to my legs.



I looked up and saw that I was no longer inside. I was sitting next to the wisteria tree as Alaric tended to the garden.

"How does the garden look? Should I start harvesting the herbs?" This Alaric was taller then before and more confident.

"Sure, but don't touch the left side, they aren't ready yet." I smiled at him, enjoying the breeze. "And the garden looks amazing Alaric."

He smiles back as he comes over with a hand behind his back. "Here." He hands me a bouquet of wild flowers.

"Oh!" I carefully took them and sniffed them. "Thank you!"

"Your welcome Celestia." I noticed out of the corner of my eye; Alaric playing with a lock of my hair. In a movement which was almost too quick for me to see, he raises his hand and kisses my hair. I looked away and pretended that I didn't see it.



I glanced around but this time, everything was dark.


I tried to respond but no words would leave my mouth; a light twinkles in the far distance which seems to call me, so I start running to it. Images flicker on either side of me as I ran, moments from my past life and my current one appeared and disappeared. Soon, the only images that appeared were my memories of my time with Alaric.

I was close to the light which had gotten brighter as I drew close, but the last few images made me stop and stare. They were of the demon attack; but they weren't from my perspective- more like from the sidelines.

I could see Alaric in those memories, the look on his face as he saw me in danger, his reaction as I fell unconscious and what he did to save me from the forbidden sigil which caused me to look away in embarrassment. I also saw the last few moments before Quinn took me away, I felt a tingle on my left hand which caused me to look down and see an identical tattoo ring on my ring finger.

I stumble back in a panic as I realized what it was but I moved too close to the light and was sucked into it.


The first sense that returned to me was touch,  I could feel myself laying beneath cool sheets and a soft breeze danced past my cheek. The second was smell, the breeze brought the smell of wood and herbs across my nose. Hearing was next as pages turned in a book close to where I laid and finally, my sight came which caused me to cringe away from a ray of sunlight that was creeping towards my face.

"Mmmm." I groaned, my throat terribly dry and my tongue gritty.

"Your awake." A soft voice says as the sound of pages turning stops and the feeling of cool water hitting my cracked lips. "Drink."

I opened my mouth, relishing it's coolness and refreshing taste while my tongue moved it around before swallowing. It does very little, but there was more water waiting above me. I glanced over to see the tall beautiful man with long elegant fingers which pointed at the magic of the water before me. He continued to cast more water until I shook my head and attempted to sit up.

"Move slowly." He moves a pillow behind me and assisted in lifting me up. I ended up groaning a little from the dull pain in my side and an unusual numbness in my legs along with an ache in my hips. "Your injuries are still healing."

"Thank you Master Ilin." I smiled weakly at him once I was semi-comfortable. 

"Of course." He shakes his head at me, his long blond hair falling behind his shoulder; it seems to be a trend of Witches having long hair. "I was very surprised to see how serious your injuries were, but I could tell that they were expertly tended to."

"Are you alright Celestia?" Master Ilin pauses as he looks at my face.

"I feel like I forgot something." I rubbed my head. "I was dreaming something, but I can't seem to recall at all."

"Hmm." He takes my hand and pats it before setting it down on my lap. "Do not worry, dreams can be difficult and elusive, it should return when you need it."

"Quinn brought me here?"

"Are you speaking of the young Arachne? Yes, she brought you here; she is currently assisting my familiar with some chores." 

"I see." I sighed in relief but stopped as I started to remember what happened after I had passed out. I could feel my cheeks start heating up as I finally understood why my body felt sore and sensitive.

'That was not how I imagined my first time!' I started panicking and hid my face into my hands. 

"I hear that you fought a high demon." Master Ilin's back was to me as I quickly tried to collect myself before he could see my embarrassment. "And that he carved a forbidden sigil on you as well. However, I did not see an residual magic from the sigil so that is one thing you will not have to worry about."

"T-that's good." I coughed as the memory threatened to make a comeback. "It wasn't pleasant."

"I am glad that you are alright." He turns around and pats me on the head. "When I had heard what happened... You must keep yourself out of trouble- my young student." 

"Master~" I groaned but couldn't help but smile. "I'm not a kid anymore you know, but I'm sorry for worrying you."

"So long as you do not do so again." He stares at me causing me to flinch back a little. "You are still my precious student, no matter how old you are."

"Yes. Master." I promised and sighed in relief once that look was off his handsome face.

Master Ilin was one of the oldest Witches ever; no one is really sure of how old he is. He was really famous for once assisting a young king with fighting demons and earned a place in human and Witches legends alike. He actually never took in an apprentice until I came along.

But what was most surprising was that he was never mentioned in my sister's novel at all. Maybe it was because it was a draft and not the finished product.... But there was no point in worrying about it now. 

To be honest- Master Ilin was more of a father to me, then a teacher. I had been an orphan until he found me then discovered my potential with magic. He taught me many things and I always remained in contact with him long after my student days were over. He also assisted me whenever I had questions once I took in Alaric, though the two have never met.

"I shall get something easy on the stomach for you to eat Celestia. Then go back to sleep."

"Yes, Master." I smiled as he patted me on the head again and left the room.

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