Chapter Sixty-seven: War

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Warning: Violence, lots of violence. You have been warned! XD

3rd Person

An unnatural fog blankets the ground, extending high in the air, softening the edges of the surrounding trees and walls. 

The battle grounds was silent, the soldiers held their breath as they watched shadowy figures shift in the fog and the only sound that they could hear was from their own heartbeats. 

One soldier started to tremble as more shadows appeared and shifts back; only to jump as a hand appeared on his shoulder. He quickly turns and opens his mouth as he looked up to his Imperial Majesty who wore a grim expression.

The soldier closes his mouth as the hand squeezes his shoulder for a moment before releasing him and watched as his master moved closer to the edge of the wall. He stands there for a moment, staring into the fog before lifting his hand into the air.

The soldier shivers slightly at the sudden breeze that mysteriously appeared and couldn't help but stare at the imposing figure before him. He clenched the spear in his hand and straighten his spine, determined to fight and win. 


"Have you found her yet?" Radna stares murderously at the cringing demon before him. 

N-no Your Majesty... The demon was tense with fear as it stared at the blood soaked ground from other demons that had failed before him and knew it was about to be its turn.

Radna raises his arm, slightly flinching from residual pain from a missing wing; power grows above his palm, twisting into a long sharp blade that pointed directly at the demon's neck. It gasps as the tip of the blade touches his knobby skin and squeezed its eyes shut. 

The demon waits for the pain to come but when it doesn't it slowly opens it eyes to see Radna staring past him into the fog. 

The demon flinches as Radna glided past, leaving it alive. It breathed a sigh of relief at Radna's sudden disregard while Radna continued to stare towards the fog, looking for the figure that had caught his eye.

He starts to turn and saw the white figure flicker between trees once again, smiling wickedly before snapping his fingers. 


Creatures sprang into action following the white figure into the tree line; swiftly catching up to it until the creatures closest to the figure suddenly cry out as they lost limbs and were sliced to shreds. 

A few paused at their fallen comrades, hesitating to move forward but when the figure appears again- they press on, no matter how many of the creatures fell to the razor thin wires which where tied between trees; fearing Radna more then death.



"Are you okay Master?" Quinn asks as she observes me concentrating on the paper in my hand.

"I'm fine." I was both here with Quinn and out in the forest; using an spirit form to roam in the fog to help thin out the large numbers of creatures. It was a highly complicated spell which required me to continuously channel magic to maintain the form while making sure that it remained between being solid and transparent.

If it was too solid, it would touch the many traps that laid hidden in the fog and any injuries that the spirit form collected would recoil back to myself; being too transparent wouldn't gather the creatures to follow the spirit since the fog was thick to cover the traps.

I could feel the sweat running down my back and cooling in the breeze as we continued to stand there: waiting for the signal.

Soon, a lone howl echo's softly through the trees causing Quinn to jump into action- leaving me behind as she entered the fog. 



I heard the howl and look towards the area where I knew Celestia was. I clenched a hand tightly as knew that the plan was being set into motion. 

I didn't like the fact that she wasn't with me.

"Get ready." I order causing the row of soldiers behind me to start moving into their positions as I drew my sword out and allowed my power to clear out the fog between us and the creatures. 

An army of creatures appear as the fog dissipates; I glance over them, silently counting their numbers and stared down one particular creature that dared to raise it's head in my presence.

It freezes as our eyes met and stands still for a moment before throwing its head back, release a loud harsh roar that attempted to overpower my aura- but failed.

It looks surprised as I smirked and raised my sword.

"Archers! Ready your bows!"


The archers with practiced movements, rause their bows, posed for my next command.


The sound of arrows being pulled from their quivers tangled with the thundering footfalls of the creatures that started racing towards us.


As the archers pulled back, leaning back as the arrows pointed at the sky; I formed my power into a spike above my head.


Arrows fly up into the sky, shaping into a dark cloud before descending down onto the creatures.

I watched for a moment as some fell with multiple arrows piercing them before searching for the creature that had challenged me.

I found it and threw the spike, penetrating it through its barrel-like chest straight into the ground.

The creature roars again and it struggled to release itself as blood gushed out from the wound. But it was too late: the damage was too extensive and the creature died, its body weight hanging on the spike.

A few moments later the spike disappears causing the creature to fall as it's comrades ran over its body as they rushed towards us.

"Archers! Fire at will!" I order, forming another spike- ready to aim at the next enemy.

This was going to be a long day.

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