Chapter Forty-four: Recalling memories

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"Tia!" I bolted up into a sitting position, causing Celestia to start in surprise before almost jumping off the bed. 

"Alaric?" She questions looking over at me with a confused look.  "What's wrong?"

I could feel her concerned eyes as I paced around the room, only stopping as she placed her hands on me to stop.

"Look at me."

I comply, frowning at the sight of her worried face. I didn't mean to make her so worried, but the dream had shook me up to the point where I could barely control myself. I suddenly hugged her, resting my head on top of her head and breathed in her scent as her body fit to mine like a lock & key- a perfect fit. 

I could tell that she was nervous from how stiff she was, but she didn't say a word and just let me hug her. I knew that I was taking advantage of her kindness but I was still happy to be so close to her.

I walked backwards to sit in the chair, pulling her with me. Breathing in her scent allowed me to slowly calm down as I held her close, closing my eyes as she started patting my head. My tension eased with each pat and I leaned into her touch causing Celestia to laugh.

"Feeling better?" I looked up to see a smile. 

"Hm." I didn't trust myself to speak quite yet so I lightly nodded. 

"This reminds me of when you were scared of lighting." Celestia chuckles. "You would panic and hold onto me tightly as you trembled at each rumble."

I wasn't actually ever afraid of thunder, but I had noticed how tense Celestia would get every time the rain came. So I would act scared of the thunder to help her relax. It worked fairly well as a child but I wasn't able to use that as an excuse anymore as I got older. 

However, I always made sure to be by her side whenever it thundered.

Celestia's voice continued to sooth me as the tension from the dream passed and my mind cleared. I was sure that it was not an ordinary dream at all- something told me that there was a reason that I had it. 

"Sorry." I finally spoke. "It was a really bad dream."

"I see." Celestia smiled gently at me as I reluctanly release her and grabs my hand. "Everyone has bad dreams, even Emperors." She teased.

I unfolded myself from the chair as she pulled on my hand to go back to bed.

"Sometimes it can be caused by stress."  Celestia continues as we settled back down. "so maybe we should just relax for a few more days."

"Do you get bad dreams Tia?" I asked, suddenly curious.

Celestia pauses as complicated emotions passed through her face. "Well... Witches don't dream in the same sense that humans do. We dream about our memories and sometimes the future and present as well. Like I had a dream about you before we met again."

"You dreamed about me?" I felt my lips lift into a smirk as I rested my head on my hand. 

"W-well I m-ean" She turns bright red under my gaze and stammers. "I- had a dream about you at our home; right before we fought against the creatures..." Celestia recovers while avoiding my eyes."

I raised an eyebrow but relaxed on my teasing. 

"Master had told me a while ago..." Her face grows thoughtful as she continues. " Sometimes if someone is around Witches when they are sleeping, they may be able to dream in the same way....

"But it was never able to be proven." Celestia quickly says as she looked at my face. "There's only a slight chance of that happening anyway."

"I see." I yawned a little, sleep beckoning to me. Celestia copies my yawn as we laid next to each other, her head on my arm. "Good night Tia."

"Good night Alaric."



I looked up to see a yawning Reid and Blair walking in with Nolo and Barrett before nodding at their direction.  We were back at the dinning room from last night to break our fast. 

Nolo, Kimbra, and Celestia were the only ones who were lively and alert. I had another dream about Celestia, even worse then the first one which had caused me to get up early to train my sword.

Kimbra had joined me as the sun began to rise.


"Your up early." She was clearly surprised, usually I would wake a little bit later then her to spar before the day begun.

"Had some trouble sleeping." Was my only response, making it clear that I did not want to speak about it. 

"I see." Kimbra watches me practicing before saying. "Let's spar."

I turned towards her and lightly bow before entering my stance as she pulled out her sword while bowing. 

We stood there for a moment, watching each other until Kimbra makes the first move. 

"Haa!" Kimbra aims for my left side to which I swiftly block before twisting to target my right.

I step back, allowing the blow to pass in front of me before aiming at her feet causing her to jump over my sword. Kimbra aims for my head to which I quickly roll out of the way, fending off blows as she followed me once I got onto one knee. 

I push back, using my momentum to shove the swords between us as we stood eye-to-eye. I smirked, releasing the pressure which caused Kimbra to fall forward as I put her into a head-lock. 

"Got ya." 

"You sure about that?" Kimbra chuckles as I felt the tip of a dagger at my side. I look down and see that her free hand had pulled it from her belt and had it posed to stab me.

"It's my loss." I release her with a shake of my head. "I do not think that I will ever truly beat you."

"You may be the Emperor, but your still young." Kimbra sheaths her blades and crosses her arms. "Eventually, you will."

We had agreed long ago for me not to use my skills during our bouts. I had agreed to it since that would make me even stronger in a real fight.

"Thank you Kimbra." I bowed again. "For teaching me."

"I didn't do it for you boy." Kimbra reverted back to my old nickname. "Do not make me ever regret teaching you. Understand?"


Kimbra had walked off then, before I headed inside to change.


"I need to do some paper work today." I told Celestia as we ate. "Feel free to explore the grounds, there is plenty to see."

"Sure." Celestia nods as I started to focus.

If what Celestia had told me last night was true, then that dream was a hint to something happening in the future and I needed to ready for it.

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