Chapter Twenty-five: The fight of a lifetime

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Note: Violence and cuss words again in this chapter. :)

I could barely hear anything as I was surrounded by the snake half of the creature and was slowly become claustrophobic the longer I was held there. 

I jumped back in surprise as a tip of a blade suddenly stabs through the thick scales and was just as surprised once the blade was pulled back, the wound healed.

'It has healing capabilities?' I studied the wound closely. 'No, it's the scales.'

The scales covered the wound to make it seem like it had rapidly healed, but behind the scales- it was extremely slow. The weird part was that no blood came from the wound at all. I store that information away and tried to relax and think of something else-anything else.


Suli challenges the creature, sending fire magic at it's face then running towards the cliff. The creature roars and although it's lower half still circled around Celestia; followed Suli by crawling with it's four arms.

Once the creature was close enough to the cliff, I thrust my sword into the thick scaly part of it's body , feeling satisfaction at it's shriek of pain. It lashes out causing me to leap backwards, but I didn't get away unscathed. 

The blow had missed me by a few inches but my clothes were shredded and light red marks had appeared across my chest.

"Avoid all it's blows at all cost!" I shouted, discarding the rest of my shirt. 

"Earthen Vines!" Reid shouts as green vines shot up from the cracked ground and the cliff and tangled itself around the creature. "I don't know how long this will hold it!"

I darted forward using the vines as foot holds as I climbed to the top of the coil and started to pull at the top loop above Tia. Kimbra and Nolo assisted me as Barrett and Blair kept the creature occupied with Suli.

"Tia!" I yelled as her spell started to show itself. "Can you hear me?"

We managed to make a large enough opening and I looked down at her. Our eyes meet and I could tell that she was relieved to see me.

"Cancel the spell!" I say twice; she gestured towards her ears and shook her head when I had said it the first time. I reached down to her which seems to help her understand and the spell starts to dissipate. 

"I got you." I grabbed her hand and started to pull up then noticing that the creature had turned to face us as it realized that it's hold had been loosened. I jumped back hard, yanking Tia up into the air and crushing her into my chest as we sailed through the air and landed hard on my back.

I didn't have a chance to enjoy the moment before the creature broke through the vines and started to attack us causing me to roll us away. I got into a kneeling position, shielding Tia behind me as she caught up to what had happened.

"Alaric, the scales." She pants, seeming winded. "The wounds are still there!"

Her words immediately clicked. "Aim for the same spots! Cut off it's lower half!" I ordered, my subordinates jumping into action.

"Go Alaric." She pushes my back as she stood up. "I'm good." Tia brandishes her wand "Water Orb!" 

Water gathers in the air until the orb was the size of the clock's face of our town and swirls with long streams of water reached for the creature.

The creature lashes out at the water, beating it down but more and more water came and surrounded it, covering the creature completely in water from its head to the beginnings of its snake lower body.

It struggles, using all four of it's arms to try to break free from the orb of water but it's arms could not pull the water away from it's face. It glares hatefully at Tia and lashes out with it's lower body causing her to drop to the ground.

But that did not disrupt the spell; causing it to blindly slam it's tail down erratically and quiet rumbles started to be heard below it.

"Quickly! Back way from it!" Tia yells as everyone obeyed her order. "Water Scatter shot!" 

Over a hundred water pikes formed in the air, their tips dripping with water and pointed straight at the creature. Tia, who had her wand pointing straight into the sky above her head; wielding it like a sword, brandishing it downward at the creature and sent the spikes down.

But they do not hit the creature, they strike at the ground burying into the ground at a weird angle.

"You missed?!?!" Blair shouts in surprise as the creature continues to struggle with the water orb. "Are you F*CKING KIDDING ME!!?!?!?!??"

"Nope." Tia laughs, her smile wide and her eyes just a tiny bit crazed. "What happens when you stand on a loose piece of ground on a hill?"

The rumbling grows louder at her words before suddenly falling silent.

"You fall."


The ground beneath the creature starts to fall, pulling it along with the cascading dirt.

The creature roars sending bubbles up to the surface of the water orb as it fell before disappearing below the cliff and covered in thousands of pounds of dirt and rocks.

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