Chapter Forty-three: A new home

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Note: Hints of sexual harassment.

"Wow." I found myself staring up at the large mansion that stood behind a large iron gate with a stone fence that ran out of sight.

"Come in." Alaric chuckled at my reaction as the gates opened for him, slightly shimmering from the barrier magic that surrounded the place. "Welcome to our new home."

I call this a mansion, but it was more like a fortress. It had two curved sections that turned into towers on either side of the main building with smaller identical towers along the stone fence. The entire place gave off an imposing and cold feeling as I drew closer to it.

"I had bought this place a few months ago." Alaric opened the double doors for me and walks me through the grand entrance with an equally grand staircase before going through a gleaming hallway then opening a door to the outside.

I shielded my eyes for a second from the evening sun then lowered it as I looked around.  

In the center of center of an old courtyard with beautiful carve pillars holding up stone depictions of magic was a wisteria tree, many times larger then the one at our home of eight years.

The tree swayed gently in the breeze as I stood before it, not even registering the look on Alaric's face.

"I wasn't sure why I was drawn to this place at the time." Alaric comes up behind me and fiddles with my hair. "But now I do."

I turned to look at him as he kissed my hair once again as my eyes grew watery. A wisteria, my favorite tree; he had remembered that even with the 'Forget' spell.  

Alaric reached over and cradled my face in his hands before lightly kissing me on the lips, nothing too deep, but the warmth of his lips stayed on mine as he pulled away with a soft smile. "I didn't mean to make you cry." 

"I know." I sniffled, wiping my eyes before returning his smile. "It's been a lot." 

We stood underneath the tree until light disappeared below the roof. I had wanted to stay longer, but Alaric immediately noticed when I started to shiver a little from the cool air and steered me inside.

I yawned a little as we ate at a long dinner table in a cozy room with a roaring fire inside the fireplace. I wasn't the only one who was tired, since some of the others looked like they were going to drop their heads into the soup.


I followed Alaric up the stairs after dinner, sleepiness dragging my feet with each step until Alaric suddenly scoops me up into his arms then walking us to my bedroom.

I fell asleep soon as my head hit the bed, mumbling a 'good night' to Alaric before it completely dragged me down.


I chuckled quietly as I looked down at Celestia, brushing her hair out of the way. I found myself still upset with her, but I couldn't stay mad for long as I watched her. Here was no point in taking this slow; since she has already once ran away- I had no doubt that if something were to happen, she would do it again.

I needed her to understand that I wasn't the small child that she had saved from a demon 13 years ago. That she can rely on me to be at her side. 

I lift up her left hand carefully, sweeping the invisible enchantment away from her ring. I strengthen the link between us, the thin thread becoming thicker and stronger then rope. I gently released her hand but raised an eyebrow in surprise as she continued to hold onto my hand.

I was still smiling as I slipped into bed and cradled her to my chest for the night.


"Alaric....." I could hear my name being called. "Alaric...."

Upon opening my eyes, I found myself once again in darkness. My heart drops as I realized that Celestia was no longer in my arms.

"Tia!?!?!" I shouted, her name echoing back. "Tia. Where are you?!?!?"

"Alaric." I stiffen, hearing her voice full of pain and barely above a whisper.  "Alaric....!"

"Hold on! I'm coming." I followed her voice, barely noticing that I was stepping into black inky mass: focusing only on her.

Dim light slowly appears and I see Celestia leaning against a wall, her arms bound above her in black chains. 

"Tia!" I called her name, causing her to look up at me. Her long silvery hair part to reveal her extremely pale face with splatters of blood on her cheek. She looked at me, her eyes pleading at me while her mouth was gagged.

I reached for her, but by this point I had been almost completely submerged in the black mass below my feet unable to reach the last few inches of her legs.

I struggled to crawl up out of the mass, as two arms surrounded Celestia- touching her before my eyes as she was unable to fight back. A face appears behind her which gives me a arrogant smirk before running it's tongue along her face.

Fueled by anger, I started to rise up out of the mass to rip that face into shreds when I was attacked from the side. I fell completely into the mass, causing it to swallow me whole. I quickly looked at my attacker and felt my heart stop in surprise at who it was. 

"[             ]?!?!?" I managed to say their name before my eyes were completely covered. 

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