Chapter 6 [the posibilities]

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"Interesting." Spock mused, reaching his hand up to the console. "No power source... it may be shielded."

"Or it may be just a wild goose chase like we've been telling you." Doctor McCoy said, looking over the Vulcan's shoulder.

They were of course discussing the only lead on the whereabouts of Captain Kirk, Lieutenant Uhura, and Ensign Chekhov, who were declared missing no more than five minutes after their sudden disappearance in the transporter room. They were not found anywhere on Gamma II, where they were suppose to be inspecting facilities, nor within the confines of the solar system.

Mister Spock declared the computer's probability projections useless due to insufficient data two hours into their search. However, a fluctuating energy pattern detected in a hydrogen cloud he did deemed to be an ionization trail, so he ordered a change of course to follow to trail.

Doctor McCoy was not pleased with his actions.

Now, hours after the supposed transporter malfunction, they found themselves orbiting an unidentified planet with only one concentration of lifeforms. If the Captain, Lieutenant Uhura, and Ensign Chekhov were not there, then they would return to Gamma II.

Spock glanced down into the scanner once more and took a small breath in. "I shall beam down, Doctor. If I am unable to communicate, a landing party may be necessary."

McCoy flicked his eyes to the side for a moment and leaned back in his heels as he said, "Well, Mister Spock, if you're going into the lion's den, you'll need a medical officer."

Spock lifted his eyebrows at the Doctor's allusion. A man condemned to death for praying to his God. A peculiar story that he knew little about. In fact, he didn't know much about human religions at all. Even though he didn't known much about religion (because of its illogical properties and uselessness in science), he did understand McCoy's reference, which was enough to settle him.

"Daniel, as I recall, had only his faith." He braced himself to stand. "But I welcome your company, Doctor."

Spock stood and the two men began walking to the turbo lift.

"Mister Scott, you'll be in command." He told the senior officer as he passed.

"Aye, sir." The Scotsman nodded.

Before the Vulcan and the doctor could get through the turbo lift doors, they shut just as quickly as they opened. Spock abruptly stopped himself by putting his hands against the blockade.

The energy emitting from the doors felt too high to him. It felt as though all of the ship's power was being released through them and into his fingertips. He pulled his hands away and looked around the bridge. All the lights were flashing and the control panels appeared to not respond to anyone's commands.

For some reason, Spock felt panicked. All the times the ship seemed to go haywire he felt confusion and interest if anything at all. It took him a few moments for him to realise that he was not producing the panic, but someone else was. It was too faint to pin-point exactly who it was, but he could tell that it was someone just a few decks below.

"No, Mister Spock, you will not leave the ship." A deep, disembodied voice declared. "None of your control systems will operate."

Every head on the bridge turned to the Vulcan at once. His heightened sense of duty had him take a step forward. He stood at attention, and went to speak before the good doctor interjected:

"What the devil's going on?"

"Spock!" The hopeful voice of the Captain exclaimed.

The doctor and the Vulcan looked at each other, silently confirming that they both had heard the same thing.

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