Chapter 15 [the assignment]

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McCoy huffed to himself, remembering what Spock had said to him only moments before:

"I've noticed that about your people, Doctor. You find it easier to understand the death of one than the death of a million. You speak about the objective hardness of the Vulcan heart, yet how little room there seems to be in yours."

He glanced up at Indy's bioreadings on the life monitor, and shook his head.

"You just missed Spock, you know." He forced a smile.

"Really?" Indy sat up as the doctor reached over to the table bext to him to grab a syringe.

"Yeah. You didn't miss much, though. Damn hobgoblin was as mysterious as ever."

Indy watched as her weekly dose of stokaline absorbed into her arm, but she could see right through her friend's lie. Choosing to ignore it, she allow McCoy to help her down from the biobed.

"Suffer the death of thy neighbour." McCoy had replied.

Indy wondered what happened between the two that made him mention Spock's presence. Was it good? Bad? Did it involve her at all? Why was he down in sickbay if he was to be up on the bridge working his double shift? Was he okay?

Just as this rush of questions flooded her mind, a strange noise filled her head. A constant, ear-splitting note that sounded as though it was being played on the low end of a theremin.

It made her nervous.

It made her weak.

It made her physically sick.

Doctor McCoy made a strange face. He could hear it as well, only it made him cringe and tingle. The strange feeling that over came both of them effevted them both differently. McCoy was easily able to shake it off after the noise faded away. Indy, however, felt her knees buckle, and was overcome by a swirling blackness that filled her vision. She collapsed to the floor.

"Indy!" McCoy shouted, diving after her.

She felt the rough grasp of his hands as she fell, and heard a few low thuds of other bodies falling around her. McCoy's head snapped up at the sounds. He swore under his breath.

"What the hell? Nurse, help me! I meant over there!" He was firm at first, then he returned to Indy, started to tap her face. "Indiana, look at me."

Stirring slightly, she squeezed her eyelids tight together, then opened them. McCoy took that as a go-ahead to lift her back onto the biobed, but it took great effort. Indy was so weak, she was nothing but dead weight and was unable to help him. McCoy managed, though, and stared at her intently as if she were to dissapear before him.

At first, Indy was unable to see anything. But once her vision returned, it was blurred and biased to her right eye. She looked the McCoy right in the face, and could make out the deeply etched worry-lines in his forehead; his piercing ocean eyes.

"Are you alright?" He asked over the loud chatter of the communications panel.

"Doctor, reports are coming in from-"

"I can hear them, Nurse." McCoy snapped, suddenly leaving Indy's side and rushing to his desk. "Sickbay to Captain Kirk. McCoy, here."

"Kirk here, what is it?"

"Here's another one, Doctor," Nurse Chapel called out from the opposite communications panel.

McCoy glanced up at the nurse and huffed, "I'm getting reports from every deck. Half the people on this ship just fainted."

"Uhura almost did. She says she's feeling alright." Kirk said. "Do you want to see her?"

"Not unless she's feeling ill; I've got an emergency down here."

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