Chapter 13 [the comet]

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"However, we cannot dig through the surface of a sphere- or a black hole for that matter- so that equation is practically useless. We're stuck on the surface of that sphere, so, of course, we have to follow the curvature of that sphere. That's our limitation in the simulation. But, being stuck on that two-dimensional surface is almost reminiscent of what we are. We exist in a three, no four-dimentional plain here, right? Time, distance- actually it's more of an interval... wait... yeah, time, interval, space-time, and..." Indy paused, laughing breathlessly, and looked at Mister Spock. "You're not following me, are you?"

The corner of the Vulcan's mouth twitched upward slightly as he replied, "You talk so simply, yet you know that I could understand even the most complex of explanations."

"I know," a small laugh once again escaped her lips. She looked down to her lap and started picking her nails. "I just can't help it. I'm not used to talking these things and when I do, no one understands what I'm saying."

"But I understand."

She felt her cheeks warm and she shook her head. "Yes, I know that, Spock."

"And you're so intelligent, why would you suppress that? It's illogical."


"Everything to you is illogical."

"Not everything."

Indy smirked, her eyebrows were raised, and she couldn't help but huff a small chuckle at the Vulcan. She looked at the chess board, thinking about what move she could make next.

"I'll have you checkmated in your next move." Spock noted.

Indy pulled her hand away from the board and looked at him. She chuckled again, and said, "You play a very irritating game of chess."

"Are you referring to one of your Earth emotions?" He inquired, watching her as she placed her queen on h5.

"Checkmate." She quipped smugly.
She slumped back in her chair, crossed her arms over her chest, and gave Spock a cheeky grin.

He sat staring at the board, most likely replaying the short game in his memory.

"You were suppose to move the rook." He finally said.

"No I wasn't." She giggled.

"Yes, in order for my checkmate to have taken place, you were to move the rook to-"

"Spock, no I wasn't!" She laughed. "You're just upset that I finally beat you."

The Vulcan opened his mouth to protest, but closed his mouth before a sound came out. It was not often that one rendered a Vulcan speechless, however, Indy's ability to do so had increased tremendously within the past month. Each time it happened, all she could do was chuckle quietly and shake her head.

Spock began placing the chess peices in their respective starting places, his mouth once again twitching at the corners.

Indy looked at him with a slight grin and said, "You know it's alright to smile around me, Spock."

He looked up at her with a raised eyebrow.

"I can look at you and tell that you want to."

He paused in thought for a moment, then said, "It is difficult to cease a practice that has taken years to master. Especially for minuscule matters such as this."

"Hey," she started, leaning closer to him as she spoke. "Don't you ever think that you have to hide your smile from me."

With this, the Vulcan's face slowly relaxed. He sat thinking for a long while, then the smallest smile finally lifted the corners of his mouth.

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