Chapter 11 [the vulcan]

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Indy paced back and forth, tears streaming down her cheeks. She gasped for air and fanned her face, trying to calm herself into a reasonable state.

She didn't even make it to her room before her breakdown started, so the added embarrassment of everyone seeing her in such a state made her tears fall faster.

She did this for about ten minutes, but to her it felt like ten hours. Once she was able to breath steadily, she walked into her bathroom and looked at herself in the mirror.

Her eyes were bloodshot and puffy; her long eyelashes dripping and slicked together. She let out a deep sigh, then turned her sink on.

The swishing of her quarter's doors pulled her attention from the running water. Freezing in place, she felt the water drip down her chin while she held her breath to hear who was in her quarters.

But the voice she heard was one she was not expecting. It was deep; monotone...


She knit her eyebrows together and slowly reached for her hand towel. Quickly drying her face and neck, she turned to the Vulcan standing in the middle of her quarters.


He took a small step forward, then retracted it back. Indy could feel her cheeks heating with embarrassment at the thought of him seeing her like this. Then she thought about how he must have been feeling. He didn't look very comfortable at all. Whatever he was thinking, her appearance was the last thing he was worried about.

"Indy," he repeated, his tongue darting out and wetting his lips. "I... I am Spock. Son of Sarek of Vulcan and Amanda of Earth. I spent my early years beneath their watchful gaze... and derisive stares of my schoolmates, who ridiculed my mixed heritage."

She looked onto him half in confusion, half in fascination. This stare, however, was also in awe because he was actually talking about himself.

"At times, I reacted emotionally to their taunts- which served only to increase their scorn, and provided support for their claims that I could never function as a true Vulcan.

"As a result, I have dedicated myself to achieving a logical thought process, free from the contamination of emotion. This has caused my mother some distress; but she understands, for she too has had to compromise on the matter..."

He took a deep breath and shakily concluded, "She insists I will discover that I have feelings... and now I think that I have..."

Indy set the towel down on the sink, but apart from crossing her arms, she didn't move.

"I thought about what you said." He gently said. "How you knew nothing about me... it made me feel... conflicted..."

Indy stepped out of the bathroom, and calmly approached him. Her steps were light; small as to not startle the Vulcan before her.


He just admitted to having feelings.

"Indy," he said again, but she held her hand up to stop him.

She didn't need him to explain anything else. Everything he had said answered any questions she had about him. All she could do was give him a soft smile- one of those smiles where the corners of her mouth gently lift upward to where her expression hardly changes. But her eyes glistened just enough to show Spock that she was happy.

Even if just for a little moment.

"Thank you." She whispered.

Spock pulled his eyebrows together, looking down to her, "For what?"

"For telling me..."


Her lips slightly parted at the sound of him saying her name. It calmed her eased her mind from her many woes, and calmed her nerves. And she did like the way her first name sounded in his voice. It was smoother, softer. Delicate, even. It sounded much better than her last name.

"You do realise that, if we were to establish a relationship, the odds would be against us. By how much, I have not yet calculated."

Indy pressed her lips firmly together, and looked down at their feet. She wiggled her toes anxiously, but then returned her gaze up to the Vulcan's face.

"Well," she hesitantly reached a hand up to his chest. They both tensed at the contact, but she couldn't stand the sight of it any longer.

"If you're bad odds, then I'm a luck pusher." She said, pressing the wrinkle on his shirt down.

She looked up to him again, meeting his eyes with her own. His big, brown irises melted away her remaining sorrows. They were so deep and full of mystery that she couldn't escape them.

Nor did she want to.

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