Chapter 16 [the confrontation]

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"Harrison, over here. They're wrapped around the deck now!"

"I'm getting more stimulant, Eastman, no need to be so domineering."

"Domineering?" Indy echoed.

"Yes, domineering. Bossy. Imperious. Autocratic."

"I know what it means, Harrison!"

"Then why'd you ask?"

"I didn't, I-- I am being nothing of the sort! I am doing my duty to help save the lives of those on this ship."

"By crushing the souls and wills of others, I understand how you work, Eastman."

"What?" She almost screamed.

"Harrison!" McCoy's furious voice shouted from the next room. "Back into the corridor, now!"

Harrison rolled his eyes and retreated into the corridor as he was told. Not a second later, McCoy approached Indy with a sense of urgency. She was relieved to see him, as always, but something was different. Something was wrong.

"What is it?" She asked.

McCoy sighed and flicked his eyes to the life monitors above those that had collaped stone-cold.

"Nothing..." he muttered.

"Lies." Indy replied just as softly.

Suddenly, a loud crash and violent jerk sent both them and the rest of the crew in sickbay to be thrown in the floor. Several screams could be heard from the corridor. Indy hit her head on the floor as she landed, and began to see stars at the harsh contact. Nausea took over her, and it was all she could do to not throw up. McCoy was quick to come to her aide.

"Indiana," He said, tapping her face lightly. "You're okay, sit up. C'mon now, you're strong."

Blinking several times, Indy sat up and looked around.

"What was that?"

"I don't know. But whatever it was can't've been good."

"Doctor." Chapel said.

McCoy looked up to her, and slowly rose to his feet. He carefully walked over to Chapel, Nurse Potter, and an ensign on a biobed. He looked between all of them before glancing up to the life monitor.

"The life functions indicate they've started a sharp drop again." Chapel said.

"Leonard!" Harrison walked in, his auburn hair messily falling in his face.

"Stimulants!" McCoy shouted sternly before turning to Chapel again. "I don't know how long we can keep this up..."

Until we can't anymore... Indy thought, struggling to pull herself to her feet. She froze, however, once a slight jerk of the ship occured again. Once she deemed everything stable enough, she slowly pulled herself up.

"Look, Doctor," Chapel said. "They seem to be stabilising."

"But at a dangerously low level." He looked over to Indy. Her pale translucency always came as a heartbreak to him, but it seemed to be getting worse as this whole senario played out. It bothered him deeply, but the Captain's words still played in his mind: our orders are to investigate.

"Well, we're still alive." He said, then turned to Chapel once more. "I suppose that's something."

Nurse Min approached the Doctor, and held a tray of stimulants out to both him and Chapel. Doctor McCoy immediately took one and returned to Indy.

"These stimulants catch up with ya," he sighed. "But they're the only thing keeping us standing."

"What do you think is going on, Leonard?" She asked, genuine fear seeping into her tone.

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