Chapter 7 [the drinks]

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Indy looked up to the smiling girl beside her, and grabbed one of the drinks out of her hand.

"So," Sisi huffed, plopping down in the seat beside her friend. "You still haven't told me where you've been. I haven't seen you in ages."

"I prefer not to say." Indy smirked, taking a quick sip out of her glass.

Sitting in rec room six with Sisi made Indy feel so relaxed and much happier than she had in ages. Especially with all the cheerful chatter and laughter from everyone around them, it only added to her joy.

Earlier that day she took matters into her own hands and changed her work schedule so that Harrison wouldn't give her any more trouble. She felt like the whole ship and then some had been lifted off her chest. Not to mention she now had free time in her day to play chess with Spock- when his schedule allowed it of course, which seemed to be increasinhly often.

To celebrate her newfound freedom, Indy decided to meet up with Sisi.

"Oh, come on, Indy, you can tell me."

"Alright, alright, alright." She laughed, her gaze beaming at the redhead.

Just as she was beginning her explanation, the screeching of a chair beside the girls made her stop.

"Hello, ladies." A sickeningly chipper voice said.

"Hey, Zephy!" Sisi exclaimed and threw her arms around the man's neck.

Indy grit her teeth together and turned away from Harrison. She swirled the brandy in her glass around for a moment before downing the rest of it in one gulp.

"Hey, Indy." Harrison acknowledged her. "How're things?"

"Suddenly not so well, could you excuse me?"

"No, no, I wanna ask you something."

Indy hissed loudly at the tight grip Harrison snatched to her wrist. She looked to Sisi for a silent plea of help, but her friend appeared to be too enamoured with the man beside her to notice it.

"Leonard told me about a schedule change you requested earlier today."

"And?" She grunted through her teeth, finally prying his fingers from her arm.

Harrison became visibly agitated at her actions, but kept his voice calm:

"I just wanted to know why."

"Well, my apologies, but I feel that information is private," she flicked her eyes to Sisi's curious stare. "Now, if you two will excuse me, I just remembered I have to meet someone."

Quickly standing, Indy spun on her heel and started to walk away from two couple.

Sisi knit her eyebrows together, "Indy-"

"Could it be a certain doctor you've been seeing?" Harrison shouted after her.

Indy clenched her teeth together once more, regretting her choice of words, then slipped out into the corridor. She was looking for someone, but he wasn't a doctor. She wasn't even sure if she would find him at all.

She walked briskly to rec room three, which was just around the corner. It was much quieter than rec room six, but she was more likely to be found there by a certain science officer.

Or he was to be found by her.

The doors opened prematurely to her arrival, having her and the pointy-eared man nearly colliding in the doorway.

"Miss Eastman,"

"Spock!" She exclaimed.

Her cheeks reddened at the volume of her suprise, and she looked to her feet. Spock looked at her curiously. He cocked his head a little, just waiting for her to contain her embarrassment.

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