Bow and Arrow

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"I'm doing better" I smile at Claudia. "So do you want to do the activity today or do you still want to rest?" She asks me. "I want to do the activity" I response. "Good. If something's wrong, you know where to find me" she smiles and I nod.

I make my way to the others who are standing with the other people in a circle to listen what the todays activity is.

"As you already can see" he looks at the targets "we're doing archery today" Markus, one of the supervisors explains.

"We have to separate you'all into two groups because we don't have that many targets. I would say group one are the people who played 'capture the flag' the other day and group two is the rest. If there are no questions we can start. Group 1 will go first." We listen to him attentive.

"Oh wait, we have to make small groups because only four can go to one target." He stops us from going to the targets. "Can we make the groups ourselves?" One girl asks. "I know you all want to but I think it would be better if I make the groups so nobody feels left out and you can meet new people" he says enthusiastic but gets only groans as responses.

"Group two can leave and come back when group one finished." When the second group left he goes around the circle and counts to four and then starts over with the next four people. The ones who have number one have to go the the first target, the ones who have number two have to go to the second target and so on.

I'm number three so I go to the third target only to see Theo and Liam already standing there, great. I arrive and say nothing because they are in a conversation anyways. I look around and see Markus coming to us. "You probably wonder why you are only three, that's because the girl who would be in your team isn't feeling well so she can't take part" he explains and I mentally roll my eyes. Why do I have to be alone all the time. "Okay thank you" I say friendly to him anyways and he leaves us three alone.


"Can you hurry up? You won't hit it anyway" Liam rolls his eyes. He puts me under pressure since we started.

Because he's probably right anyway, I give up and give the bow and arrow to Theo but he doesn't take it. "Try again" he commands. "It won't work" I say hopeless. "Then I will help you" I take the arrow and bow and turn around so I can take in my position again. I hold the bow in front of my face and try to aim.

"Okay so first you're standing wrong" he grabs my right leg and puts it further forward. His hands are cold. Then he grabs my shoulders and turns me slightly to the side. He goes behind me and puts his hands over mine to show me how to hold the bow. His hands are so much bigger than mine. When the aim is perfect he lets go "okay and now all you need to do is let go and the arrow will hit the target perfectly" he says standing next to me.

I concentrate so much to hold the bow still but my hands are too shaky. "Why are you shaking so much?" He asks confused. "I don't know" I say but secretly knowing exactly why. He goes behind me again and places his hands on my waist "you can do it don't overthink too much" he whispers into my ear, feeling his warm breath, sending shivers down my spine. I close my eyes and take a deep breath. I open them again look one more time to the target and let go of the arrow.

The arrow flies and hits nearly the middle of the target. My eyes widen and I begin to smile. I turn around and see Theo smiling too, I think that's the first time I ever saw him smiling. "See you did it" he pats my shoulder. "Thank you" I chuckle.

"Ayo Lia that was literally the best one I saw today" Caleb shouts smiling from the first target. "Thank you" I shout smiling back. He's so cute, I love Caleb. Of course not in that way, you know how I meant it.

"Time's up" Markus yells to all of us. We change with group two and sit down to watch them a bit.

"Your Shot was awesome" Jacob sits next to me and puts an arm around me. "Thank you, couldn't have done it without Theo's help tho" I chuckle. "Theo helped you?" He asks tensing a little bit. "Yeah why?" I look at him. "Just asking" he smiles.

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