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First week of school went by really fast. After the first school day it felt like Theo, Caleb, Jakob and Liv never ate lunch in a different school, it felt so normalized to have them sit with us at lunch. Liam left us on Wednesday and sat with some other guys at another table which I'm not mad about because he kept making weird comments.

I'm mostly alone in my classes because my friends are either seniors or just not at my school. It's not like I don't like the people in my grade, they're nice, well most of them, I just never really tried to connect with them because I already have friends and don't have the need for more. But I think it would be a good idea to at least get a few friends in my grade so I'm not completely alone during my classes.

"Shit" I mumble to myself when I see a message from Theo, telling me that I should hurry up. We're totally gonna be late. I quickly grab my backpack and sprint down the stairs to the door.

"Lia you didn't eat your breakfast!" My mom yells but I already opened the door. "I'm gonna be late, bye" I close the door and rush to Theo's car.

"Sorry I wasn't looking at the time" I close the door and then kiss him. "Don't worry, If I hurry we can make it" he starts the car and drives off.

"Do you have any plans for today?" He looks at me and puts his hand on my thigh. "Not yet" I smile and lay my hand on his. "Then we're going to the cinema today" he looks at the road again. "I'll pick you up at eight" he ads. "Sounds great. Do you have any movie in mind?" I look at his beautiful side profile. "No I thought we could decide that spontaneously" he shrugs and I nod.

"Well, see you at lunch" he stops the car and kisses my cheek before I rush out of the car and into school. I'm actually not late, I have about two minutes left.

I open the door to my first period and walk to the end of the room. I like sitting in the back. When I sit at the front I always think that everybody is looking at me.

A couple seconds later our math teacher, walks in a slow pace into the room and lays his bag or whatever that is on the table. He's new but I like him, he seems and looks like a really cool guy. At first I was scared because he looks like this typical math teacher. He's I think in his mid forties? I'm not good at guessing somebody's age. He dresses like a typical math teacher and talks like one too...but he makes jokes...good ones too and he's super nice and helps you immediately without embarrassing you.

I'm not even bad at maths but of course I need help too sometimes and sometimes teachers think they're allowed to say anything just because they're teachers. "Lia I thought you're smart", "really Lia?", "do you even listen?", "how can you get such good grades when you ask questions like this?" I absolutely loved my math teacher.

"Open page 167 and do number 1 and 2 please. We'll discuss it in ten minutes" he begins the lesson and sits down on his comfy office chair. Why can't we have such nice chairs with padding and stuff.

I look away from the chair and open my book and grab out my spiral bound notepad. I write down the answer for number one and before I can get to the second question someone stops me.

"Psh...hey" I needed a second to realize that she meant me and not someone else. I look to my right and see a girl with blond long hair. "Do you have the answers I don't understand it" she whispers. "I'm not done yet but I'll do it quickly and give you my paper then" I smile and she nods so I turn to my paper again and finish it.

"Here" I hand it to her after two minutes. "You're the best" she smiles wide and starts copying.

"Who would like to answer the first one?" Mr. Hylton stands up looks around the room for raised hands. Even tho I don't like participating in class I raise my hand because these tasks were very easy. "Wait I'm not done yet" the blonde girl looks at me worried because she didn't give me my paper back yet. "I don't need it" I assure her.

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