Cooking & UNO

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What is that feeling on my head? I open my eyes. And who is that I'm laying on? I turn my head to look at the person. Oh right Theo. I totally forgot we all slept outside. "Sorry did I wake you up?" He asks me. I shake my head, not wanting to speak when I just woke up. The feeling on my head continues...he's scratching my head...god how I love that feeling.

I lay my head on his chest and close my eyes again to enjoy the moment more and because I'm still a bit tired.

"Breakfast" one of the supervisors yells. "Great" Theo says annoyed and I chuckle slightly. "I don't want to get up" I murmur. "Me neither but let's go" he says and wants to sit up straight but I'm not leaving his chest.

"Lia" he chuckles. "Common" he pokes with his fingers in my side. I flinch slightly cause it tickles. When I don't get up he continues to poke my sides. "Theo" I giggle. The pokes are getting faster so he's tickling me and I have to laugh. I try to push his hands away but fail. "Get up and I stop" he says. I hate giving in so I stay on his chest.

"Could you lovebirds shut the fuck up, I want to sleep" Caleb mumbles tired.

I sit up straight and look at Theo. We both think the same thing and stand up to go Caleb. We sneak up on him and count quietly to three. Then we scare him. He flinches and sits up straight. Theo and I laugh at his reaction. "Fuck you" Caleb says. "Payback for yesterday" I laugh.


"I'm fine, how are you?" I ask my mom on FaceTime. "I'm doing good. What are you guys doing right now?" She asks me. "We're at the lake right now" I flip the camera around so she can see the others in the lake. "Wow it looks so beautiful out there" she says excited. "It really is. It's so much fun here" I turn the camera back again. "I can see that. You're smiling so wide, I love that." She smiles with me.

"And everything's really okay?" Her look changes kinda into worry. "I mean yeah. I had like one or the other incident but besides that everything's fine" I chuckle. "What do you mean by incident?" She asks concerned. "I got tackled down once and had a concussion and I had a panic attack but I recovered fast" I tell her. "What! Why didn't you call me?" She looks more worried. "Because I was fine. Don't worry it really wasn't that bad" I comfort her. "Next time at least text me" I roll my eyes. "Yes mom" I chuckle.

"Okay change of the subject. Tell me more about the camp." She smiles again. "Okay so we do nearly everyday a new activity like kayaking or hiking and stuff and in the evening we always have a big campfire with everyone. And there's always a table full of snacks and drinks" I tell her excited. "That sounds really nice. And is everything okay with you and the boys?" She smiles. She loves the boys. "Speaking of the devil: here they come" I see the others running out of the water.

"Who are you talking to?" Tyler sits next to me. "My mom" I turn the camera to Tyler. "Oh hey Mrs. Jones" he smiles. "Hey Tyler, how are you doing?" She asks him. "I'm doing fantastic, thanks" he responds.

"Who is this?" Caleb approaches us too. "My mom" I chuckle. "Mom, this is Caleb. Caleb this is my mom" I introduce them. "Hey!" Caleb waves. "Hey" my mom smiles. "Okay while we're at it, I'm gonna show you everyone" I chuckle. I stand up and go to Justin and Paul first. "My mom" I say to them and turn the camera to them. "Hey Mrs. Jones" they say both and smile wide. "Hey boys" she chuckles. Then I go over to Jacob and Liam. "So this is Jacob and this is Liam. Liam and Jacob this is my mom" I introduce them. "Hello" Jacob smiles. Liam just waves. I go over to Liv and Theo who are talking right now. "Okay and the last ones are Liv and Theo" I say. "Wait Theo from middle school?" She asks. "Yes" I chuckle. "Hey Mrs. Jones" he chuckles. "I haven't seen you in so long, how are you?" She asks. "I'm doing great, thanks" he replies. "Okay well now you met everyone" I let Liv and Theo talk again.

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