chapter three ; celebration

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After a short, yet much needed break, I returned to work. Though that break was relaxing after a long day of having to diagnose people and prescribe them medicine whilst under the watch of Mr. Wang, it seemed that the Gods of bad luck weren't too keen on giving me a break.

By that I mean, whilst I was going through some papers, I ended up pouring my coffee all over myself - which, by the way, was incredibly hot (like yours truly) - and that had left me with a stain the size of Australia right on my groin. It wasn't a very favourable sight. I would've changed into something else or just cleaned myself off at the washroom but I put it off for later and by the time I remembered, my little break was already over.

That's how I ended up behind my desk once again, but with a horrendous stain on my pants this time. What a nice accessory, don't you think?

I was hoping nobody would notice since the desk covered most of my lower half - however, the first patient after my break had quick eyes and caught notice of the stain once I got up for only a brief moment. Then, I prayed that they wouldn't point it out.

What do you think they did?

They pointed it out.

"Did you piss your pants, doctor?"

I'll piss on your head, how about that?


After work, I went out with Alex since he insisted on celebrating. Secretly though, I was aware that he only wanted a night out for himself.

He had brought his girlfriend with him, and though she was pleasant company, I felt a little too much like a third-wheel, having to watch them be all lovey-dovey whilst I sat there trying not to puke my guts out.

Any sort of display of romantic attraction is revolting.

"It's alright, you can admit you're jealous and you don't get any pussy," Alex suggested. "It happens to the best of us. At least you have a whole day for yourself! Bachelor's Day, ever heard of that?"

Autumn, Alex's girlfriend, choked on her drink upon hearing what her precious little boyfriend had just said.

"Isn't that like.. when women are allowed to propose to their husbands?" I said with a raised brow.

"Oh, really? I thought it was for losers who couldn't get married," he huffed before leaning over. "Y'know, Autumn and I could always use a third person in our relationship."

I smacked his arm, "Shut up, I'm not interested."

"Who said it had to be you?" he began before a smug smirk made its way onto his face. "Oh? You were thinking of getting into a relationship with me? Amos, listen, I'm flattered and all but-"

"Oh piss off," I interrupted. "I don't want to be in a relationship with you."

"Why not?" he started. "I'm incredibly hot and sexy. Did you know the 'A' in my name stands for hot and sexy? Bet you didn't know that."

"I could've done without knowing that actually," I scoffed, unable to hold back the smile that was threatening to make its way onto my face.

I watched him down his seventh shot of beer that day and he was already drunk out of his mind. He let out an obnoxious yawn before leaning back against his seat and turning to face Autumn with those sickening heart eyes.

I feigned nausea and got up, excusing myself so I could go to the washroom and get anywhere away from them. The bar was fairly small so it was relatively easy to find the washroom. Once there, I let out a heavy sigh I didn't realize I'd been holding. It felt relieving being away from that little PDA show that I never asked for.

Assuming I was alone, I let out a small burp and laughed to myself at the sound.

Okay, maybe it wasn't small.

Maybe it wasn't that quiet either.

And maybe I wasn't alone.

"Nice one," I heard a voice say.

Oh fuck.

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