chapter thirty-one ; second date

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The rest of them, excluding Micah, had ended up staying over that day. Micah had called Miles over to drop him off at his place somewhere around midnight and I barely got enough sleep and before I knew it, I had to go to work again. 

The next few days were uneventful and finally, it was Saturday. 

For some reason, I felt the need to put in extra effort in the way I dressed that day. Alex seemed to notice but didn't bother saying anything about it, which I'd forever be thankful for. Micah showed up fairly early and was definitely dressed a little more.. casual in comparison to me. He did say I looked handsome though so that's a win in my book. 

"I'll see you later," I called out to Alex who stood at the doorway, looking at us as if I were his child getting married. "Why are you looking at us like that?"

"Young love," he sighed, wiping away a fake tear from the corner of his eye. "Anyway, can you make sure you stay out for longer today?"

"Why?" I questioned, raising my brows at him. 

"I'm planning on binge-watching some Disney movies and I'll most likely cry over them. I don't want you to see me in my moment of weakness," he stated. "I don't want anything tainting the image you have of me as a hot and sexy individual."

"You're everything but a hot and sexy individual," I snorted before walking over to the car. "I'll see you!"

"That e-boy definitely is something," Micah commented after the two of us had gotten inside the car and secured out seatbelts around us. "It's refreshing to see a friendship like that."

"Could say the same for you and Miles," I responded. "Even though I assumed the two of you were a thing."

"But you said last time that you hadn't jumped to any conclusions," he said, raising his brow at me challengingly before letting out a breathy chuckle. "I'm kidding. Are you ready?"

"As I'll ever be," I said as he started the engine of the car and waited for a few seconds before beginning to drive down the road, letting his fingertips drum against the steering wheel half-mindedly. "Where are we going anyway?"

"I have loads of destinations planned for today," he confessed. "Have you eaten yet?"

Right on cue, my stomach grumbled. He let out a laugh at that, "I guess I have my answer. Well then, our first stop will be the restaurant."

"The same one?" I asked eagerly, staring out the window.

"Nope," he began. "I've decided on going to a more.. expensive one this time, you could say. It's a little too fancy for my liking but I've heard the food there is great."

"It better be," I laughed. "Expensive restaurants never prioritize quantity."

"Right? They'd give you a maple leaf with pancake syrup drizzled over it and boom, it sums up to like a thousand dollars," he snorted. "Let's hope this one is different."

When we got there, I could tell from the exterior of the place that it'd cost my entire salary. I let out a very audible gasp as the two of us stepped out of the car, "This place looks like it'd cost a fortune."

"I can afford it," he shrugged. "I work a lot of jobs, another thing you never knew about me I suppose."

"I only know of you being a part-time bartender," I said. "How do you manage to get so much free time then?"

"I have my secrets," he winked. "It's called time management, doc."

"I have like one job and I barely get any time to myself," I muttered as we made our way to the door. A sophisticated gentleman held the door open for the two of us and we thanked him before making our way inside. 

"I look so underdressed compare to everyone else," he sighed. "But it's fine. This way, I can stand out."

"Oh no, he's quirky," I joked. 

The two of us shared a chuckle amongst ourselves before making our way over to the table we'd reserved. He pulled the chair open for me to sit down - which was a pleasant surprise - before making his way over to the other side and taking his seat. 

"What would you like to have? Take a look at the menu," he suggested, cracking his knuckles. "And don't be concerned over the price, just tell me whatever you find interesting."

I was aware he'd said that I needn't worry about the price of the food, however, nearly everything on the menu cost more than it should've so I subtly settled with something that cost the least out of everything else on the menu. After we'd placed our order, we continued speaking amongst ourselves before we were interrupted by a group of staff members making their way over to us with a giant chocolate cake. 

"Is that a starter-" I started before being interrupted by one of them who placed the cake down onto the table and said:

"Congratulations on getting married!"

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