chapter fifteen ; hold on tight

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"I'm back," Micah announced, Alex's helmet tucked underneath his arm. "Come on, doc. Let's get you home too."

"Just for the record," I began, walking over to where he stood. "I am doing this completely against my will."

"Now, now. There's no need to be so dramatic," he grinned, patting me on the shoulder before opening the door for me to exit. I did just that, but not without rolling my eyes like a child being denied candy before that. 

Micah made sure to turn off the lights in the bar before locking the door. Following that, he proceeded towards the motorcycle that was parked right outside the bar. He sat on the bike after making sure his helmet was secure, and then he turned to face me, "Come sit."

I obliged without any complaints but made sure we had a decent amount of space between us. While waiting for him to begin with my arms crossed, I noticed he wasn't moving.

"What are you waiting for?" I asked, already beginning to get annoyed.

"Aren't you going to get closer? I'll be going a little fast," he said, his voice lacking any sort of emotion or tone. 

"Then don't go fast?"

"I need to get home as well, doc," he said with a small laugh. "Don't be so stubborn, just come closer."

"And you were preaching about road safety earlier," I huffed, scooting a little closer. 

"You'll be safe with me," he promised before turning back slightly and grabbing hold of both my hands to wrap them around his waist. He then turned to face forward again and stated, "Perfect."

"I'll make sure to strangle you this way," I joked. 

"You're into some questionable things," he joked back before starting the bike. As it roared with life, Micah let out a sigh, "What did he say this thing's name was?"

"Samantha," I reminded him. "Can we get going now? I'm not interested in small talk."

"Roger, doc," he nodded before turning away from the bar and proceeding in the opposite direction down the empty road. 

The wind felt oddly gentle against my face, and as it messed with my hair, I felt myself getting a little tired. As a result of said drowsiness, I pressed my cheek up against Micah's back who, by the looks of it, wasn't exactly complaining. 

We said nothing for the first half of the ride so I shut my eyes for a bit to enjoy the sensation of the wind as we rode down the silent road, the only form of life around us except ourselves being a few stray cats here and there.

Then, I remembered that he had said he wanted to talk to me about something earlier.

"What did you want to talk to me about by the way?" I questioned, sitting up straight and looking over his shoulder curiously. 

"What do you mean?" he began in confusion before recalling. "Ah, you mean what I told Mr. Lachowski back there?"

"Yeah," I nodded in response.

"That was an excuse to get to spend some more time with you," he shrugged like he was telling me the colour of an apple. 

I remained silent for a few minutes before opening up again, "Why?"

"There's something about you that interests me," he admitted. "And we've been seeing each other quite often lately. I think it'd be best to get to know each other at least a little bit, don't ya think?"

"You have a point," I murmured after giving it a while of thought. 

"Does that mean we're friends now?"

"I don't know," I started. "Is your friend supposed to be flirting with you 24/7?"

"Consider that a.. buy one get one free kinda deal," he suggested which, I'll admit, made me laugh a little. Maybe a little more than just a little. 

"You know what? You're not that bad after all," I admitted, grinning to myself. "I assumed you were a flirtatious, self-obsessed asshole all this time."

"Well you're brutally honest," he noted. "That's probably why you shouldn't judge a book by it's cover. People are a lot more than what they tend to seem on the surface."

"Behold ladies and gentleman," I announced dramatically. "We've got a philosopher on our hands."

That made the two of us laugh in unison. It felt nice being able to laugh together with him after not being able to stand him for so long. This felt nice. 

Before I knew it, we'd made it to my place. I cautiously got off the bike after letting go of him and let out a yawn, "Thanks for bringing me all the way here. How are you going to get home though?"

"I don't live too far away, just a couple houses down actually, I'll just walk," he said with a grin. "Go get some rest, you look tired."

"Are you sure you'll be fine walking there by yourself? Do you want me to come with you?" I offered.

"I'm not a baby, doc," he laughed, getting off the bike after having parked it in its appropriate place and handing the helmet over to me. "Thank you for the offer, you're very considerate. I'll see you some time later then."

"Yeah," I nodded. "See ya."

I stood in front of my home for a minute or two to watch him leave until he was out of my line of sight to make sure he was safe. Then, I turned around and walked into my home - only to be greeted with incredibly loud snoring.

"God damn it, Alex."

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