chapter twenty-four ; reminiscing

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For the next few weeks, I distracted myself with work. I was still in a daze over what had happened with Micah four weeks prior. We hadn't spoken ever since then and I just assumed he'd gotten bored of me. I didn't bother sending him a text or calling him because I decided it would be pointless.

It had since been an entire month and now I'd been working as a resident doctor for three months. I'd also met Micah three months ago. 

Time surely does fly. 

"Hey, Amos!" Alex called out, rushing out of the attic hurriedly. "Look what I found."

I raised a brow and walked over to him, trying to get a look at what he was attempting to show me. My heart nearly dropped when my eyes fell on a picture of my parents when they were younger, "Where'd you find this?"

"I found a whole photo stash up there," he said, handing me a couple more old photographs. "I found a few of us back in college too."

"This is insane," I whispered under my breath before looking at him. "Do you want to take a look at these together?"

"I mean.. are you sure though? Isn't it family stuff?"

"Yeah, and?"

"You usually get all weird when the topic of your parents is brought up," he pointed out. "I don't want to make you feel weird or uncomfy or anything."

"You've been my friend for years now, I trust you enough to let you take a look at a couple photographs," I chuckled before dragging him over to the edge of the bed and making him sit down. I took my seat beside him and pulled out the first photograph which was the one he'd showed me.

"This one was of my parents back in college when they met," I told Alex who was peeking over my shoulder, listening intently. "They told me they hit it off only a couple minutes after they'd spoken. My mom had this reputation of falling for guys easily and she fell for him within a day's time."

Alex let out a chuckle, "Sounds a lot like Autumn."

I hummed, "Speaking of Autumn, how are things between the two of you now?"

"Decent," he nodded. "She just had something going on in her life so I get it."

"Oh," I responded. "Well I'm glad the two of you are better now."

"I'm still a little.. curious," he started. "Don't you want to find love too?"

I paused for a moment this time and looked down at the photograph of my parents, holding hands and giggling at each other. Even though the photo was old and grainy, the love in both their eyes was still as visible as day. 

And for a moment, I thought to myself that I'd like that too.

I'd like to have something special like that, shared between me and a special someone. 

Yet I still shook my head, "I'm not interested in all that lovey dovey stuff."

"Whatever you say big guy," was his response. "I won't push it, I think you're doing well on your own anyway. Getting that bag too."

I chuckled, "Thanks, Al."

"Oh! What's that picture?" he questioned, pointing at a small photograph on my lap.

I picked it up and we took a look at it together. 

I instantly felt a smile crawl onto my face once I'd taken a good look at it. 

It was a picture of Alex and I back in college. He had this awful bowl-cut as if he were a toddler and I had on a white shirt and an awfully patterned rainbow polka-dot pants, making me resemble a birthday clown. He had his arm around my shoulders in the picture and I was throwing up a peace sign. For whatever reason, the picture looked so painfully awkward but it was still the most adorable thing I'd ever seen.

"We were like.. nineteen here," he whispered. "Why do we still look so ugly?"

"Not me, sucks for you though," I said, flipping my imaginary shoulder-length hair over my shoulder. 

Just then, there was a knock at the door.

"Why are they knocking when there's a doorbell?" Alex said under his breath before hopping off the bed and walking over to the door, staring into the peephole.

"Huh?" he questioned, turning back to look at me. "Why's your little boyfriend here?"

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