chapter twenty ; the "date"

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The song Micah plays is given above :) If you're interested, you can give it a listen. No pressure.


"Hey sexy," Alex whistled when I walked out of the washroom. "What statement are you trying to make by wearing that to your first date, king?"

"A statement stating that I hate Micah's guts," I responded monotonously. "Wish him luck."

"Him? Shouldn't I be wishing you luck?" he questioned curiously.

"No. Wish him luck," I began. "And pray to the Gods that I don't end up murdering him today."

Just as Alex was about to say something, the doorbell rang. Both our heads snapped over to the direction of the noise and I let out a pained sigh, "This is going to be the worst few hours of my life."

"Oh come on, just try and have fun, will you?" Alex said, walking me over to the door and pulling it open for me. 

The moment I saw his face, my fist was throbbing. I so badly wanted to punch that unfairly handsome face of his. 

"Hey doc, hey e-boy," he greeted with a grin.

"What the heck is a.. whatever you just said?" Alex questioned, shoving me out the door. 

"Search it up, I've got a date to attend," he joked before giving Alex a fist-bump and turning to face me. "Alright, you ready?"

"Not really," I confessed. "I want to turn around and go back home. Which is what I will do."

I proceeded to turn around and walk into my home but just as I was about to step in, Alex shut the front door and I ended up having my nose smacked by the door. 

"Serves you right," Micah laughed before wrapping his fingers around my wrist and dragging me over to his car. "Get in, silly. I promise you'll love me after today."

"You'd have to have my name sent to the moon for me to love you," I snorted, getting into the passenger side of the car and securing the seatbelt around me. I waited for Micah to get in and do the same before we began the already tiring journey. "Where are we going exactly?"

"Wait and find out," he responded. "Do you wanna play a song maybe? To make the ride faster?"

"Hmm.. actually, why don't you put on a song?" I offered. "I'm kind of curious as to what your taste in music is like."

"Don't make fun of me," he began, fumbling with the aux cord. "Here, can you connect this?"

I grabbed the end of the cord and connected it to his phone before handing it over to him. He mumbled a barely audible 'thanks' and proceeded to scroll through his phone while attempting to look at the road at the same time. 

"Here, let me do it, what song do you want me to play?" I questioned, taking his phone from him.

"You'll see something titled 'Neon Dreams'."

I gasped, "Wait. Is this 'Sick of Feeling Useless'?"

"Wait, you know that song?" he questioned, glancing over at me in surprise for only a moment before directing his focus back onto the road. 

"Yes!" I responded. "It's one of my absolute favourites." 

Then the song began to play and we sat in silence for a moment, enjoying the music - before it eventually ended.

"Huh? Why'd it end so quick," he complained. 

"Do you want me to play it again?" I offered.

"That would be nice yeah," he nodded. "How about we sing along this time?"

"Gross, my voice sounds like shit," I confessed. "You really don't want to hear me singing."

"Oh no, I definitely do," he chuckled. "Play it."

And so I did. For the first few seconds, I was hesitant. I simply sat in silence while he screamed out the lyrics at the top of his lungs (whilst still managing to sound good, don't ask me how). However, eventually, my insecurities faded away and I joined him.

So that was how we ended up screaming the lyrics to an underrated song that the two of us loved, our bodies moving to the beat of the rhythm. We managed to listen to a few other songs as well, some of which I knew and some of which I didn't. Those I knew, we sang along to. Those I didn't, he let me enjoy the song in silence. 

After our little carpool karaoke session was over, he looked over at me, "Now how was that? You look like you enjoyed yourself, doc."

"I did," I admitted, not bothering to hold back a smile. "That was fun."

"You weren't lying when you said you were horrible at singing," he joked, earning him a smack on the arm from me, to which he responded with: "Hey! I'm kidding, I'm kidding!"

Maybe, just maybe I can learn to like this guy.

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